Watch this! Insane crash shoots me out of Spa!

Lol. I was so shocked when it first happened. At first I was upset because someone just rammed everyone the. I was like no way!

That’s bizzare!

What are the odds? lol :smiley:

Anyone know if/how to get this clip “featured”?

Probably not. I would just be grateful I wasn’t still floating around somewhere. :slight_smile:

Displaying someone’s poor sportsmanship and bad behavior toward other players wouldn’t be so good, would it? We don’t need others attempting to duplicate the actions, since the cause deserves only a ban under the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct.

Physics? Where we’re going we don’t need dons sunglasses Physics.

Lol verruck, I guess you’re right snowowl


It’s like this crash in a race I was in. The invisible wall stopped this dude flying out of the track though like you.

Wow! That guy in the green P1 got railed! At least he stayed inside the map

wow houston we have a problem : can’t find the brakes ! short race .

It was a short race for me for sure, LOL


Very epic! Definitely the craziest thing I’ve had happen to me!

Some thing is not right about this and it is not lag. Check the G meter in the telemetry or can you in replays?

I don’t believe you can show telemetry in replays :confused: