Viper's Den | My Brief Return | Mar 6 '15

Hello everyone and welcome to my new gallery! Id like to thank all the Forzatographers here.
With their help I reached 100 thousand views on my old gallery!
Without their comments and support I probably wouldn’t be here taking the photos I do.

My Flickr
Forza Horizon 2 Gallery
Forza Horizon Gallery

My Favorites (oldest to newest)


Forza Motorsport 5 Week 1 Photocomp Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp D Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp J Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp K Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp Q Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp R Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp U Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp Z Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp AB Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp AC Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp AE Win

Forza Motorsport 5 Photocomp AH Win

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 13 Honorable Mention

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 17 Honorable Mention

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 22 Honorable Mention

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 24 Honorable Mention

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 32 2nd Place

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 40 2nd Place

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 52 1st Place

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 62 Honorable Mention

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 63 Win

Forza Horizon Photo Mission 64 Honorable Mention

Photo Mission 67 Win

Photo mission 72 Win

Photo Mission 74 Win

Photo Mission 79 Win

Forza Motorsport 4 Week 82 1st Place

Community Photocomp Wins

1st Place in Evolution False’s “Ford Mustang: The legend lives” Comp

2nd Place in DJ Lime’s “I NEED MORE GEARS” Comp

2nd place in Skrarr’s Nissan Skyline Comp

2nd place in LazarusJackson’s TMOAP Round 2 “The Grand Prix of Titans” Comp

2nd place in Brokenvegetable’s “Members Only” comp

Thanks for Looking!


Awesome stuff here mate! The One-77 picture is incredible and more than a few of these look like they are screen-grabs from a trailer or like they are promo-shots.

Thanks Ace! :slight_smile:

I’m really liking these pictures Nights Viper, great realism and creativity in these shots!

Thank you Snooty!

Pagaini Pictures are awesome

Thanks BV!

Been busy but heres a few more photos -

Got a bunch more snow Wednesday -

Those are sweet pics, Viper…Looking forward to more bud :slight_smile:

Thanks Suspect! Glad to see you here and hope you get Forza 5 soon! :slight_smile:

awesome gallery , keep it up

Love this.

Thanks kinjx and Sketch! Gonna be posting a few more photos soon.

I like the overall mood in number 2.

Thanks Pebb :slight_smile: Heres a few more -

Got about 3 inches of snow last night -

Oh man that is striking!

Edit - Congrats on the Photocomp win as well!

Just picked up a win in Photocomp J with this photo.

Also updated first post.

Saw your picture on this week’s review. An other of your famous B&W. Simply gorgeous!

Your new gallery is shaping up well. Already have to much favorites! I’m a big fan of your work and you will of corse see me around.

As far as snow in nc, I hope it’s not to cold… we had some -15 degrees and a good 25 inch of snow this past week in qc. Let say that I can’t wait for spring. XBOX ONE coming in spring too for me. :slight_smile:

Thanks Vech :slight_smile:

Thank you Morc! It was about 5 degrees here the other morning but all the snow is starting to melt. My Moms car was a nightmare. Its a 2005 Mustang GT convertible and it just sat there spinning its tires lol.