FTC | The Viper's Den | August 27th | Group Shoot - Blizzard Mountain - Open Airfield - Extra

Hi everyone, and welcome to my gallery! My name is Nights Viper, or Jacob if you prefer. I used to go by the name of Legomaster909 before the forums were updated. Forza Motorsport 3 was my first Forza game but I didn’t start taking photos seriously until Forza Motorsport 4 and the original Forza Horizon. Tons of great advice from the community members like Furia636, LazarusJackson, Pebb and SuspectThrone59 (there were many more), and a few years of practice, made me the Forzatographer I am today. I would like to thank all of you for supporting me through the years and I look forward to being here for many more!

If you are new here and want to see how supportive this community is, I recommend you read on from this post.
This is truly the best community I’ve ever been apart of and I thank everyone here
for the support they have given me.

My Cancer Story


Flickr | Forza Horizon 3 | Forza Motorsport 6 | Forza Horizon 2 | Forza Motorsport 5

I hope you enjoy my photos, and thank you for visiting!

Official Photocomp Wins

Passion | Photocomp 3 Win

Reflect | Photocomp 11 Win

Leaving the City Behind | Photocomp 15 Win

Gaining on You | Photocomp 17 Win

Sixth Element | Photocomp 18 Win | Explored 2/19/2018

Looker | Photocomp 20 Win

Streaming | Photocomp 22 Win

P1 | Photocomp 24 Win

Racing the Sunset | Photocomp 25 Win

Seeing Double | Photocomp 35 Win

Community Photocomps

Exit0rbit’s Gladiator II Photocomp

Round 1 Win

Carbon | Round 1 Win in Exit0rbit’s Gladiator II Photocomp | Explored 2/19/2018

Round 2 Win

Rio Colors | Round 2 Win in Exit0rbit’s Gladiator II Photocomp

Round 3 (Finale) Win

Deep Blue | 1st Place in Final Round of Exit0rbit’s Gladiator II Photocomp

Dark Speed | 1st Place in Final Round of Exit0rbit’s Gladiator II Photocomp

Wavy | 1st Place in Final Round of Exit0rbit’s Gladiator II Photocomp


Lean | Explored 10/4/17

Passion | Photocomp 3 Win





Racing the Light

First Photos


Long Day

Maple Valley

Fog Chasing

Push On

Green Light


Silver Lining



There we go! I hope you enjoyed :slight_smile: I will have more soon!

Long Day

God Damn Viper !
This one gets me everytime, thats a winner for the month !

Beautiful !

Awesome shots! I will have to get myself a galley going soon, FM7 sure has the potential for some amazing pictures!

Nice to see your first pictures up! Long day is my favorite so far !!!

^ I second that. Alfa picture is absolutely beautiful.

Oh my…

In two simple words, pure elegance. You’re making it hard to pick a favorite :slight_smile: awesome stuff NV

Definitely the Alfa shot…definitely!
great work as ever :slight_smile:

Marvelous shots! Forza at its best, when you can’t tell the difference between a photo and a game screenshot. The lighting, the mood, the right amount of blur - just perfect!

Long day and Green light. Just perfect Jacob! Always a treat to pop by your gallery and see your work. Awesome as always! :slight_smile:

Good lord… Its hard for me to single out one… Look forward to what you have in store!

Thank you Kuruma! Looking forward to seeing it!

Thanks BV!

Much appreciated M!

Thanks very much KTVDS!


Much appreciated Snooty! :slight_smile:

Thank you Hooker! :smiley:

Thank you for the very kind words Toran! :smiley:

Thank you very much MFU! Same to you :slight_smile:

Thanks Robot! You’ll some more in just a few minutes!

Audi R8 LMS

This photo was explored today! Might this be the first explored photo from FM7? That would be awesome :smiley:

Lean | Explored 10/4/17

Track Paint

Grass Cutting

Warm Up

Keep Up

Out on the Streets


Thanks for stopping by!

Great set! The first shot is my favourite.

Damn !!! Warm up is hot !!!

Love the layout in shot 1. :slight_smile: