Hi everyone, and welcome to my gallery! My name is Nights Viper, or Jacob if you prefer. I used to go by the name of Legomaster909 before the forums were updated. Forza Motorsport 3 was my first Forza game but I didn’t start taking photos seriously until Forza Motorsport 4 and the original Forza Horizon. Tons of great advice from the community members like Furia636, LazarusJackson, Pebb and SuspectThrone59 (there were many more), and a few years of practice, made me the Forzatographer I am today. I would like to thank all of you for supporting me through the years and I look forward to being here for many more!
If you are new here and want to see how supportive this community is, I recommend you read on from this post.
This is truly the best community I’ve ever been apart of and I thank everyone here
for the support they have given me.
Marvelous shots! Forza at its best, when you can’t tell the difference between a photo and a game screenshot. The lighting, the mood, the right amount of blur - just perfect!