Vehicles acting strangely [Xbox 360 Version]

I just wanted to check in with the forza community, and see if this is normal, or if I need to start reporting people for modding.

During online roadtrips, I will occasionally notice that my car isn’t behaving normally. In one race it will be fine, but in the next race of the same set I will start having issues. This is most noticeable on my B-class Mini Cooper, and my C-class VW Type 2. For example: My Mini Cooper will two-wheel on almost every sharp turn, and sometimes tip over on its side. With my VW, however, when I’m driving upwards of 100 mph, it will start shaking, and rattling as if I were driving over cobblestone, regardless of what surface I’m on.

This normally happens so infrequently, that I chalk it up to bad luck, and just keep playing. But today, it’s been happening at least once in every roadtrip.

The Mini Cooper is my go-to car for B-class, so I’m quite familiar with how it handles. I know it CAN tip over easily if you take a turn too fast, especially if there’s even the slightest incline on the inside curve. That being said, I’m certain that I know how to take a turn comfortably, and I know when I’m at risk of an accident.

So my question is: Who’s to blame for this? Is it even possible to affect other players’ vehicles with mods? Or is this another glaring example of Sumo Digital’s less-than-half-hearted attempt at porting a video game?

…or am I just driving poorly today?

Could be “poor” driving, but also could be lag on the Internet. Slow down for turns, very doubtful any other vehicles, unless they’re hitting you. are responsible for the behavior of your car.

There are some roads which look perfectly level on the 360 but because they’ve been designed poorly the car will shake on bits of them, I know because I saw a lets play on it, and during a circuit race the users Aventador was shaking in the exact same part, so its the game, if you try it with different cars and notice they all shake on that bit of road, then it’s that