Vaporisor's Custom Seasonal Races and Championships

Good day all and welcome! Feel free to leave comments, request, suggestions, constructive criticism or just shower with praise. All feedback is appreciated and will help make the next races even better.


All races tested multiple times to ensure competitive drivertar, as well as a fun player experience.

The following is my repository for past custom route races as well as location for future custom challenge competitions. The format of this thread will have all routes listed here in a seasonal championship form. They are sorted by series and season. I was hoping to be able to share the top times for each track for that week when posted, unfortunately no leaderboard. So if anybody knows of a good way to share verified top times, I could track them.

Who am I? Just a casual gamer. I play Horizons for just a fun automotive experience, but have a passion for design. Since its inception, I have enjoyed making my own routes but most were crafted originally for the route competitions. You might recognize three of the series five tracks from the seasonal community championships. However for those events the time, weather and cars were all changed. I highly recommend them in their original form for the best experience. Each track will have a link added to a more detailed posting.

:For following lists, click season header to go to descriptions:

This series does mix cars through the season since the car type was not specified for routecomp1

Summer: Road Courses
Knights of the Round @ Coastal Rush Cross Country - Track Toys S2
Will of the Wisps @ Lakehurst Copse Circuit - Retro Super Cars S2
The Dinner Rush @ Greendale Club Circuit - Hyper Cars S2

Fall: Rally Courses
Season Fallnale @ Elmsdon on Sea Sprint - Modern Rally B
Edge of the Horizon @ Glen Rannoch Trail - Retro Rally B
The Second Sally @ Astmoor Heritage Circuit - Classic Rally B

Winter: Cross Country
Throwdown in Snow Down @ Tarn Hows Scramble - Extreme Offroad S1
Gone Fishin’ @ Lakehurst Forest Sprint - Buggies S1
Polar Bear Dip @ Watershed Sprint - Sport Utility Heroes S1

Spring: Rally courses
Grassroots @ Horizon Festival Sprint - Classic Muscle A
Roarin’ Roadsters Targa @ Cotswold Road Rally Trail - Custom car set feat. classic convertibles A
Copperhead Road @ The Ridge Cross Country Circuit - Custom car set feat. mid century family and working vehicles

Entries for routecomp 2 with third track a bonus track.

Summer Hoonigan courses:
Block Around the Rock @ Quarry Cross Country Circuit - Hoonigan #9 Focus S1 Rally
Just a Block in the Woods @ Derwent Reservoir Trail - Hoonigan # 9 Focus S1 Rally
Fighting the Urban Sprawl @ Greendale Super Sprint - Custom car set feat. Hoonigan and drift cars No PI set Road

Fall Classic Rally:
Autumn’s Amphitheatre @ Gardens Cross Country Circuit - Classic Rally C Rally
Town and Country @ Astmoor Rally Trail - Classic Rally C Rally (A personal favorite)
Fog and Ash Open @ Broadway Village Scramble - Classic Rally No PI set Rally

Winter Snow Buggies [Recommend A800 Max]:
Freshly Fallen For the Foothills @ Greendale Foothills Scramble - Offroad Buggies Open PI
Why Are There Bugs In Winter @ Mudkickers’ 4x4 Scramble - Offroad Buggies Open PI
Frozen In Time @ Moorhead Wind Farm Circuit - Offroad Buggies Open PI

Spring Modern Sports Cars
Frolicking in the Fields @ The Meadows Sprint - Modern Sports Car A Road
Oh What a Beautiful Morning @ Glen Rannoch Cross Country - Modern Sports Car A Road
No Vacancy @ Arthur’s Seat Cross Country - Modern Sports Car All PI

SERIES 7 (Current)
Creator’s choice events

Three summer movie themed events. No PI limits, so you can play them how you want. Read main post for car info
Eastbound and Down @ Ambleside Rush Cross Country - Smokey and The Bandit Theme
The Britalian Job @ Edinburgh City Sprint - The Italian Job Inspired
Gone In 600 Seconds @ North City Cross Country - Gone in 60 Seconds Theme using Iconic Movie Cars

Three special car group races. No PI and all on clear weather roads. But you might need to open up that bank account to get cars for these ones.
Flight of the Valkyries @ Glen Rannoch Hill Sprint - Worlds Fastest Road Cars
Sundae! Sundae! Sundae! @ Ambleside Loop Cross Country - High Rollers
Parade of Colours @ Windmill Cross Country - Collector Series

Winter events - No routecomp, open to suggestions else creator’s choice!



Summer Races:

Route Start Location: Coastal Rush Cross Country

Description: Start just outside of Edinburgh. Circle around the city for a final run up to the castle. Features many views of the castle and other features of the city beautifully lit in the dark as the sun finishes setting. The route takes the driver on outskirt and side streets that mapping never routes through offering the player a new perspective on the city. This route uses Track Toys and features a combination of strong straight speed sections with tight turns. Good braking and acceleration are vital for a strong lap. Being on side roads and an urban race means that the surface can have more bumps and bounces so very stiff suspensions can have issues.

Route Start Location: Lakehurst Copse Circuit

Description: It is early dawn. A fog hovers over the landscape and yellow lights start glowing over the landscape through the mist. Then comes the screams… of high RPM V12s and turbocharged V8s. Ghosts from the past race through the clouds observing the silhouettes of monolithic constructs and ancient trees. Show that the ancestors of the hypercars still are to be feared. The track is split into three sections. There is an initial speed section as you swoop through the moors. The drivers adjust to the fog and unusual lighting. This is followed by the main feature as you cut across the farmlands on the old paved side highways. Finish with a winding high speed section back through the windfarm to finish back in your forest home. High speed and stability are the key tuning requirements of this race. While braking and nimbleness are beneficial, a driver will find the ability to keep pace severely hampered in the opening and closing. Remember: These are supercars!

Route Start Location: Greendale Club Circuit

Description: After spending a day at the club, it is time to meet your friends for some dinner at the cafe just outside of Ashbrook. But it was raining earlier and you are late. Hop into the latest of technology and make best speed! Overall it is a straight forward route. Just follow the waterways but you cannot just put it to full throttle and go. Tuning for more downforce and sharpness in steering is needed so you can maintain your speed along this constantly meandering roadway. The water on the roads doesn’t help either. In terms of time, is a shorter race. But the consistently curving roadway still yields a satisfying experience. During testing I found that the current finish gives the best feel and adding any more track just felt like filler and detracted from the final sprint. Most notable visual when racing this track is the afternoon sun at your back combined with the fresh rain combine to make for bright colors and contrasts with the growing shadows.

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Autumn Races:

Route Start Location: Elmsdon on Sea Sprint

Description: Winter is coming… So lets ring it in with a even split mixed surface circuit! Enjoy the colors of autumn cut up and around the small woodland farms on this edge of the moorland. It had been raining earlier so keep that in mind. Modern rally cars B class limits tuning and upgrade options but the few class available cars will all work.

Route Start Location: Glen Rannoch Trail

Description: Not all races have to be serious or death defying. Sometimes you just want to pull out your old lil’ rally car and have a fun race. So get away from it all and head to the mountains. A beautiful sunset and a short little rally circuit is just the thing to relax at the end of the day. A shorter course and the A class cars still yields for a fun experience without needing to specialize your tune or build. So kick back and relax and rest. You will need it for what is coming next.

Route Start Location: Astmoor Heritage Circuit

Description: Hope your got your rest because your sanity is about to be tested. With your faithful steed you drive on through the heavy rain and mud. On the horizon, monsters with glowing red eyes appear. Do battle with them and yourself as you strive to make it through unharmed. Sally forth! A tight road, classic rally, darkness and rain will put all of your rally skills to the test.

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Winter Races:

Route Start Location: Tarn Hows Scramble

Description: It is morning and fresh snow is falling. In the south west are nice and hilly fields so head out and make some noise in your extreme offroaders. There are no particular landmarks to take in, but the terrain featured offers a fun cross country experience hard to find elsewhere in the festival area. While mostly straight and gradual sweeping turns, there are a few tight hairpins to line you up with the next stretch. Wide checkpoints and spacing gives more freedom for keeping a smooth line. Speed and hills does mean that you will benefit from high and soft suspension travel. Adjustable anti sway bars will benefit greatly.

Route Start Location: Lakehurst Forest Sprint

Description: Time to really experience winter. No heated seats here. Heck, you don’t even have windows. Cruise around the festival grounds in some offroad buggies. Alas, the snow is starting to come down hard. Time to head to the lake for a bit of ice fishing. Shortest route is the fastest, yeah? So take a cut through the woods and follow the river down to Derwent. Don’t push too hard though. Rocks line the shores and trees are ever present. Keep pace and hold as you enter the second stretch to make your move. I mean, this is too much fun to stop now so can take a little detour…

Route Start Location: Watershed Sprint

Description: Night has fallen and the snow has stopped. People heading off to sleep for racing the next morning. Hoons begin to prowl the streets… Time to hop into SUVs and drop into the sleepy village of Ambleside. Cut into town in the dark and make a mess in the canal. Careful, it is a tight squeeze. Then make your escape off to the Derwent Waters. Once on the ice, you will be in the clear before anybody can shake a fist. The opening stretch can create an illusion that this is a speed course, but it is moderate short sprint for the majority of it. Due to small jumps and a lot of bouncing as you cut through the town, you want to ensure that your setup has good suspension travel, low tire air pressure and heavier flywheel weight to keep from revving and traction problems. Tip: Recommend small wheel size option for your vehicle if available such as those offered for test SUV.

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Spring Races:

Route Start Location: Horizon Festival Sprint

Description: Muscle cars. The most recognized of all classics around the world. While only some might recognize a vintage Ferrari, or can name just from a picture who makes the Miura, even young kids recognize cars like the mustangs, camaros and chargers. Popular then, popular now. Share them with the crowds at the festival with a european take on the founding of the muscle cars racing on an oval track with a twist. S bend and hills instead of flat tracks or ovals. Stock suspension and tires might not do for this one. Time to get back to racing’s routes. Have a barbeque, a hearty lunch, then catch some spectator favorite action. It might be a bit wet out there, but that will just keep the dust down. The track will dry as the race progresses and will find times laps getting increasingly faster. A welcoming track fun for all comers.

Route Start Location: Cotswold Road Rally Trail

Description: The elegant days of racing. Luxurious automobiles with engines so smooth, you could balance a pence on edge right on top of the engine. But it wasn’t all glory. Paved roads were also a luxury. The people who raced these vehicles would get dirty and beat up in the name of competition. In honor of those pioneers of road racing, we have the spring Targa racing. Fine concours grade cars doing what they were built to. An even split of road and dirt with straights and twisting will ensure the driver’s nerves can experience what the racers of time past did. From the Festival through Ambleside and a finish at Derwent Water for this race. Though this is also the 21st century. Those elegant bodies are hiding modern technology and upgrades in this A class race.

Route Start Location: The Ridge Cross Country Circuit

Description: “'Fore my time but I’ve been told”
“He never come back from Copperhead Road”

Events become legends, and legends become myth. Then myth becomes songs. Not all of motoring originated in contests of sportmanship cheered on by the masses or sponsored by the wealthy and aristocratic. Some have a darker history with less than legal or respected roots. Experience what it was like for moonshine runners back during prohibition with a race through the forests and foothills using classic family cars and work vehicles. But do not expect sun shining through the trees and wide open space. Tight roads, middle of the night, and torrential rains are also the challenges you face. Pavement? Well… something needs to take you to the back roads. Dirt and mud. Lots of mud. Put on dirt tires.

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Summer Races:

Route Start Location: Quarry Cross Country Circuit

Description: A race all about capturing the showmanship of Gymkhana and hooniganism with a race. The Quarry layout gives a good mix of quick acceleration and deceleration without lots of wobbling in the layout. Allows for more flicking and sliding for the turns. The night time staging of the event offers racers a unique view of the quarry with all the sodium lights light up and good shots of the cliff face, finishing with the longer straight down the mid level path past the lit up cut.

Route Start Location: Derwent Reservoir Trail

Description: This one is about bringing out the S1 rally side of the Focus. It opens with a midly wet course and winds its way through the forest. As it works its way out, it eventually opens up through the fields and ending when it reaches flat farmland. Notable visual of this track is the gradual transition out of the woodlands. It isn’t immediate, but just progresses as you go along the course. This keeps it visually fresh as well as providing a slow transition from sliding and tail flicking muddy corners into higher speed dry gravel without upsetting your rhythm.

Bonus Track Start Location: Greendale Super Sprint

Description: Urbanization continues to encroach on the wild habitats of the hoon. What was once prime drifting lands has become choked and festered with sub compacts, vans and SUVs. When wilds and development clash, unwelcome interactions are about to happen. It is a full moon and the hoons strike back. All forms of hoons and their formula drift cousins come out for this. Be wary as they leave wide tracks of smoke throughout old Edinburgh. The open roads, wide checkpoints and high angle turns means nothing can stop… The Hoons

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Autumn Races:

Route Start Location: Gardens Cross Country Circuit

Description: Slower cars and small sizes? Perfect time to exploit some of the more niche features of Mortimer gardens. Tight and winding turns take you in a non intersection figure eight circuit. Route is planned to capture some of the more easily missed sights of the park. The main attraction is the Amphitheatre. The route with the sun position gives a vibrant and close up view of the overgrown theatre section. This is the center point and basis of route design.

Bonus Track Start Location: Astmoor Rally Trail

Description: A point to point to maximize the fun of driving a C class car. This track winds its way through the Bramburgh area with full sun shining down. While mostly asphalt with just a small percentage of dirt, the fallen leaves combined with hilly and twisty farm road makes it exciting. Enjoy teaser views of the castle before getting a couple great photo shots. Take a loop around the village then head on back to the coast, finishing off as you head down the long straight.

Route Start Location: Broadway Village Scramble

Description: Let loose in this rally with an urban feel. Originally designed for C class retro rally, the test drivers kept trying to one up each other. It was found that this wide, but windy and angular track could hold much more exciting races with louder and faster cars. While the core poster still hangs on the board, it is the open class that tends to attract the racers now. Though the autumn fog likes to roll in, but it might burn off by the end of the race in this four lap circuit.

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A weird ask: can you share a tune or livery of any kind?

I can’t figure out a way how to follow you on blueprints dialogue (maybe I’m just blind or dumb) so I thought I’ll find you on livery/tune dialogue, follow you and save myself hassle of having to search for your tracks every time (and I tend to run them more than once so it’s a bit irritating).

Oh… The dialog. I could refine it a bit. The layout has the car type PI and race type in main message,

“The Second Sally @ Astmoor Heritage Circuit - Classic Rally B” for example is “name” @ “location” “car type (classic rally)” and “performance index (B)”

I should clean it up for readability.

To find me in game, same user name. Easiest livery top of my head is I did a “Bullet Bill” early on for the morgan. Same gamer tag as here. Ensure spelling as “Vaporisor” is an S, not Z.

Got you!

I tried searching before but I guess I made a typo.

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Nice stuff, It’s always good to play something different. I was getting a little bored of the stock FH races.
Do you plan to create some Street Scene races? I’m level 14 and don’t want to repeat the same old races ;>

Unfortunately, there is no way to create actual street scenes. I have considered doing a season with anything goes next series. Those would be close, but no traffic.

I have a question, what cars can I use for “Roarin’ Roadsters Targa” and “Copperhead Road”? I was wondering what would suit me in A-class.

Roarin Roadsters was set for all older cars that are ragtop or no roof at all. But any DLC cars added after the blueprint creation wont be in the list.

Copperhead road uses vehicles from the 40s through 60s era. Your family coupe and sedans. Woodies, F100, morris and such. I used and found the F100 fun.


Winter Races

Route Start Location: Greendale Foothills Scramble

Description: A race to meet a variety of tastes. Tested from C to A but more than capable of S class buggies. One motor vehicle not found in Forza, but a stable of winter? The snow-mobile. This race takes a bounce through the foothills if nice and fluffy snow. Enjoy nature and a few skips across some water in this track to capture the fun and adventure of being out and about on a snow machine, but in something a bit bigger and a bit faster.

Route Start Location: Mudkickers’ 4x4 Scramble

Description: Another open buggies race, Though I personally found the C class to be just a blast! The theme for this one is an over/under concept. Wanting to make use of some of the different paths in the 4x4 complex, was able to put this route together. The testing and recommendation for entry is the most basic C class. The C501 level buggy was more than competent and was well suited for the jump. The bouncing route laid out and having an under the bridge in the section after the jump creates a fun amusement park ride experience without needing high power vehicles.

Route Start Location: Moorhead Wind Farm Circuit

Description: Cross country can be a difficult balance. On one hand, you want complexity, but another want fluid motions. Then Horizons tosses in a third ball, and now we must juggle in visual setting. Snow descends onto a landscape locked in the past, but overseen by the future. Take a high speed cross country run through this unique piece of history. Eerily quiet with only some sunlight foggily diffused by the falling snow. Well, that and buggy engines echoing across the valley.

Im curious do you test tracks with different kinda tunes? I run town and country few times and couldnt get win as my rally escort dont have enough power on that track (well i drive against unbeatable but anyway) that was really nice track but in second time i drive that i think it would be nice if route creator would have better tools than just flag checkpoints, as in some points track can suprise you while focusing on racing because just flag checkpoints are not best to indicate some tight corners.

Fog and ash open was really fun circuit (overall i like circuits more than sprints) i use A800 talbot and when i finnish i got feeling "oh damn it’s over allready :frowning: "

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I usually test on a few, but some are made for more specific builds.

I don’t know what it is with Town and Country, but the drivertars just run really strong on that one. It was built specifically for C class since that was what the challenge was for. I have gone back to a couple to remove the PI limits to offer more versatility. Ideally I would like to offer the original with the limitation, then an open without a PI so that people could use other cars. That particular one I had tested with the Talbot, Volvo 242 and Stratos HF Stradale.

Time is always a tricky thing and it is unfortunate that I have to set the lap count. I have been following the five minute race since that was max time for eligible entries, it also keeps it fun. They are looking into the shared stuff, so when that gets remedied, I can start doing up the longer courses.


Spring Races:

Route Start Location: The Meadows Sprint

Description: Welcome to A class modern sports. The A class means that speeds are fast, but not too high. Smooth transitions and mild to moderate, but wide bends in the circuit allows RWD builds to be highly competitive and even advantageous. Does one build for handling or speed? Both offer advantages. the A class gives lots of diversity as you race through the spring countryside.

Route Start Location: Glen Rannoch Cross Country

Description: What is more of an authentic sports car feel than driving through a valley in the cool morning air in the springtime. The dawn light gives a cool feel to the race while having the rolling time transition has long early morning shadows forming as the race comes to a close. Enjoy the sight as you pass by mountain peaks on both sides. A class offers a wide assortment of options and tunes to fit a driver’s taste and tune without having to compromise or filler with excess. The limitation of A class also rewards the driver who really considers and plans their tune. A poorly built or set up car will be a handful with the constantly varying radius turns. The initial descent into the valley is a time for patience. Many opportunities to pass, so being overly aggressive during the opening hairpins can become costly.

Route Start Location: Arthur’s Seat Cross Country

Description: People come from all over the world to partake in the Horizon festival, though some come later than others. It is late in the day and there is no place anywhere left with a place to spend the night. Race other late comers in this no PI restricted dash to try and find any place in Edinburgh to stay. It is an urban race, so do not neglect your brakes.

Hey man, I just had a go on your latest set of routes. I really enjoyed them, they were very fun to drive on. Thanks for taking the time to create these and share them.

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Summer Events: These are thematic events vs pure race track designs. So be sure to read description for special notes.

Route Start Location: Ambleside Rush Cross Country

Description: Start with the simple classic car movie. Yes yes… not a very original name, but I mean come on, how can you participate in this event without that song stuck in your head? Herald back to the days where a nice car, good music and a moustache blessed from the heavens were all the complexity a movie needed to be enjoyed. Take up the role of Smokey, Buford, or The Snow man as you race Trans Ams, Trucks or perhaps even a police car across the island in a speedy, yet straight forward race. As for the weather conditions, it is a long run so be sure you choose your departure time wisely.

Route Start Location: Edinburgh City Sprint

Description: Some years back, a film with certain tiny cars caused a bit of a disruption down in the country shaped like a boot. Jumping over things, defying traffic, and really all in all being a menace. Well, some people didn’t take kindly to a british car causing so much havoc in their country. So now the Italians have come to Edinburgh to give the British their come-uppins! Hop in your Abarth and make your escape with your riches. Don’t expect the roads to be free and clear though, alternate routes might be required. As such, you will want a suspension that can take some hits. This also means that the unexpected can occur, so try to just enjoy the race.

Route Start Location: North City Cross Country

Description: With all the cars the festivities have attracted, it is bound to attract some of the more unsavory individuals, such as yourselves. There is a car show displaying classic movie automobilia. Nothing you cannot handle, am sure. A versatile build is required here. Escaping the city will require nimbleness and finesse, but speed will also be needed to outrun any potential pursuers. Majority of the planned escape route should be on the road, but should plans change, be aware of potential, nonstandard directions of travel. If we need to cut across some place, it could be bumpy for a little bit.