I have a issue, me and my kid use to play FH2 together, but he like to use the steering-wheel (Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel (Xbox One)) and I dont like to use that one.
So my question is, can he use the wheel to freerun, and then I would enter a racing-event, I can switch to use the hand controller ?
Another one, if someone use that wheel, dows it save sensivitve settings when power it on/off, and which sensitive-setting is the best in FH2 ?
It is not playing “together” but you could each have your own profile so you can play your own game with the device of your choice (not at the same time).
Not sure how it works with the wheel but (you’ll need to do it each time you start the console though) if you go into settings (game controllers or similar I’d guess it’s called, maybe hardware) you can assign more than one controller to your profile, I’ve done it so I can use the wireless for chat and my Rock Candy for playing, I’d guess you can do the same with a wheel and a controller…?
Researched this situation a little bit, and came up with How to Properly Connect Additional Controllers to Your Xbox One System « Xbox One :: WonderHowTo . However, that is controllers, not a wheel and controller. There are methods of assigning controllers - wired and wireless via use of the Kinect wireless system, however that section is needed for the wheel. Take a look, maybe something would work out for you.
One little interesting fact is that if you have a wireless controller and a battery charge pack which connects via one of the USB ports on the Xbox One, you CAN ALSO use a USB connector from a cell phone charger to make that connection without any battery in the controller at all.