Upgrades not being applied

Before anyone says I’m not in the right place I have already sumbitted a bug report and got a generic “try submitting a suggestion here” copy paste response.

This is happening regularly now (ie at least once a play session) and has started happening since the last update.

Loading into a race and my car doesn’t have the upgrades it should applied. First instance was with an F40 that had over 700hp being returned to the stock amount and having slow, very stock feeling shifts instead of the race trans speed.

It’s just happened again racing a 68 Mustang with 2 gears missing from its race trans and half of the grip it should have with its apparently upgraded tyre compound and width.

Playing on series x, please tell me this is happening to someone else or preferably a response from devs that they are aware of the issue and are working on it…

I wouldn’t hold your breath. I’ve been active in these forums since launch day and there has been absolutely zero direct interaction with the team that sold us this game. You can debate with the forum moderators what is and is not ‘defaming’ but you can’t get a response from the actual leadership team or anybody who actually worked on the product.


The NSX… and now I head back to upgrade to apparently change it because it’s needed … apparently… i have stock tires… maybe it’s my memory or something… but … I purposely made sure it had top end… and it never performed top end ever… ever ever… although with little rotation it is~ or at least was my fastest car… next would be a cadilac that cannot simply as well… it feels trunct… and and meta data related… but when i did have a fast lap during qualifying … i didn’t find it accurate at all… https://youtu.be/o0HckdmIgCE so i think what you’ve done is effectively reduced my speed mechanically because my launches were~ always accurate… it’s just weird … it’s simply weird… your client side prediction is still~ awful and exploited… i tried to save a replay of an earlier race and basically dude man in mercedes just blatantly bodied me… i want to say you glitched me about 150 peak hp lol…

So what are you saying?
I’m having trouble following…

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I think dude is a bit confused ^^