Update from Sumo Digital (360)

I love the line “sadly we cannot comment on decisions outside of our control, I’m afraid.” It almost implies that they want to do more and provide more but are being told no. If anything this debacle is making their company look very bad which is sad because it appears to not be their fault. We can hope they work on bugs but what about other issues like rivals and paint shop?





That is a very high hopes way of looking at it but you took it out of context. Sumo has no say in DLC content. That is all on T10. The rest of the comment implies that they are simply working on fixing the bugs and glitches in the game.

don’t forget the rally trucks because on start up of the game it show’s them plainly so ya were’s our rally car’s.

I may have been shouting here but i also have been talking to sumo. I got told they were made to direct people to a thread here. I told them that noone at turn 10 is talking and now this could it be turn 10 done an amazing 180? Lets see what the update is

They’re probably just talking about this one: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst24273_Forza-Horizon-2-on-Xbox-360.aspx

If there every is one.


Thats the one i told them turn 10 etc not responding and asked if they could do something now they altered their reply. I think sumo realised they caught the short straw and maybe trying to save face. The update will tell all. Maybe sumo got our backs. Someone on another thread said about trying to split the forza community. I think turn 10 did that and maybe sumo trying to mend the gap

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I’m not commenting here on people’s experiences with the 360 or ONE version. I’m on the ONE and I’m having my own issues (mainly connection with party chat).


… regarding Sumo’s comment, I think one of two things.

Either Sumo have indeed drawn the short straw and are suffering the public backlash for an executive decision made by others…

or, Sumo have cleverly worded their comment to allude to the above, in order to minimise the backlash aimed at them.

Regarding Turn 10’s approach to the ONE/ 360 versions of Horizon 2, I can’t say that I really blame them. The consoles have moved on. Like it or not the 360 is old news and is no longer the main format that people will be playing the game on. Given the limited hardware it’s natural that the game is restricted and so understandable that Turn 10 aren’t going to publicise the lesser content to the same degree as for their all-singing-all-dancing feature title.

It’s harsh to say it but the reality is that the 360 version is not an equal to the ONE version and should never have been regarded as such.

Then they should not have promised features that they could not deliver on. I perfectly understand limitations in graphical fidelity as well as the Azure based Driveatar system - but leaving out DLC, Forza Rewards, the ability to upload photos, etc. is a huge slap in the face to one of the most loyal communities out there. Those features could absolutely work on the 360, but they chose not to for some reason, and then they kept quiet about it until after they got the money for the pre-orders - this is why I am very upset with them.

It’s great that so many of you can afford Xbox Ones (and therefore seem to “understand” why Microsoft and Turn 10 would do this), but it doesn’t mean that they have to pull a move like this that appears to be a carrot and a stick for those of us who cannot. I will repeat my thoughts from earlier that this makes me MUCH less likely to purchase a dedicated gaming console or any future Turn 10 products. I had been moving towards more PC gaming anyways, and this is a huge shove in the back down that road.


Mods seem really busy around here, lately. You guys should get a raise.


Maybe someone could start a thread that is a POLL titled something like PETITION SUPPORT FOR DLC and REWARDS for the 360 H2 … short and simple without all the comments and see how much support is out there or how many GT’s post a +1 but no comments under the thread to keep it simple or something like that.

I get it that none of it may make a difference as the next gen console and the future path of the gaming has already been determined and set in motion and the company needs to move forward since the decision is done. They have picked a road to go down and at some point they need us gamers to follow them to their new platform or I imagine all their games could suffer some type of negative impact which is not good for any of us. IMO it doesn’t hurt to try to see if they can do anything whether it be rewards or dlc or both to sweeten things up until others can make the transition.

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Why no DLC ? We all understand that our 360’s are dated but if GREED is or was part of this game being issued for us 360 players why wouldnt they offer DLC to get more of our funds even if our system is dated the currency isn’t yet LOL !

I for one have been enjoying what i did get but also set back and make my own wish list per-say for DLC that i would pay for. It would most likely be like this : I would pay for tuning , I would pay for all the new wheels that the xb1 have, I would pay to have the motor and drive train swaps.

For me these are the items i think would be my most wanted items added to the 360 version , I’m happy with the cars that were issued for the most part sure there are more cars that we could of had so that leaves plenty of room for DLC lol !

Away from all the bs Thanks for at least offering this to 360 cause we never had the option for Forza 5 and at this point i cant afford the xb1 and as the old saying goes beggers cant be choosers !

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Some people talk so much rubbish…

“Sumo told me this”, “Microsoft are doing that”. Turn 10 are a MICROSOFT developer and they want people to move into new generation hardware. Get where this is going? It’s simple marketing.

Turn 10 didn’t have to bring somebody in to bring the 360 boys a port. In fact, it would have been cheaper if they didn’t. So either go out and buy an Xbox One or quit your moaning. The Xbox360 can NOT run the features that you guys are missing and that is why they’re missing.


Strange most posts complaints are about lack of things that worked on Horizon ???


Really? Because last I knew we could use our rewards in FH1, we had DLC for FH1, we could share our photos for FH1…should I keep going? If you’re going to post then please at least leave an intelligent INFORMED reply. Pay attention. Oh, and if you’re tired of the ‘moaning’ then don’t dive into threads titled ‘360’…thanks.


Really Dude! Then how did developers like RockStar GTAV and Eden TDU2 get dynamic weather with lightening and thunderstorms packed in to there 360 games???
Sounds like T10 and Microsoft needs to hire some new talent from these developers…



Thank you. Bye.

Wow… the 360 was able to do it on Horizon 1. Did you paly Forsa Horizon 1??? We had DLC, We had Rewards Poiints, we had Unicorn Gift Cars from the Devs, we had Monthly Challenges, and we had more… heck we even had a DLC that was an expansion pack for Rally Events with new tracks. So your reasoning is not valid.

Several people want to use the excuse that the 360 is an old system and therefore that is the reason for No DLC, No Rewards Poiints or gifts for playing, etc. With the amount of less cars in the game, and less options and no rally expansion, the 360 will have no problem handeling some DLC. Plus, console power has no effect on a rewards incentive. It is also no excuse to turn your back on your loyal fans, some that have been supporting and playing Forza since the original Xbox.

Why they left out all these features,… we can speculate all day long. I just hope Turn 10 will see that ths is no way to end a run on the old system. So it’s the last Forza series for the 360. It wouldn’t hurt to throw an incentive for your players.