There are basically three classes for these types of products. Pure simulators: like iRacing and Project Cars (zero vehicle upgrading, just tuning), arcade sims like: Gran Turismo and Forza (upgrading and tuning - including ridiculous but often fun, V12 and all-wheel drive swaps), and arcade racers like: Need for Speed and Ridge Racer (goofy stories and ‘careers’). Since the Forza series is right in the middle, we get a little bit of everything. Simulated physics, simulated racing and arcade graphics, mod packs, etc.
The way Turn 10 has been handling things the past few years I’m surprised the electric cars don’t have Tron cycle lines behind them or shoot flames from the rims or something.
I’m more concerned about the fact that all exhaust tips wobble as if the hangers have broken off. This is especially annoying on the old GP cars where the pipe is visibly flexing like rubber.
I can’t agree more. I honestly wonder how T-10 can approve a lame feature like that. My only hope is that a lot of these items will get addressed at launch of the Xbox one X, as it appears that we have been used as beta testers for this game.
You hit the nail on the head bud. I have this bad taste in my mouth - I am not even motivated to play the game and report issues although I try my best to remain positive. This is literally THE first Forza game that has ruined my faith in the franchise. They can take whatever direction makes sense to them - loyal customers are hard to come by. That’s that.
Should cars like the Honda S2000 CR really be shooting flames in stock form? I’ve always found this to be really ridiculous and gimmicky especially in a Motorsport game. Would not have any issues if it happened in instances where a car was heavily modified, but not stock cars please, leave that to the Need for speed series or even perhaps the Horizon series.
I am distraught over this as well. It seems they do not do their research properly or conduct due diligence - everything just gets more and more generic with every release. If anyone remembers here, FM5 and H2 actually had the flames shooting out at varying lengths and durations depending on what speed you lift off the throttle or downshift. And the flames seemed to shoot out of only powerful supercars, road or sports cars, race cars etc.
Oddly, there are race cars in FM7 that don’t even shoot flames. Have they started outsourcing development or something? Quality lacking in every department; the physics are the only thing I am happy with.
I’m more concerned about the fact that all exhaust tips wobble as if the hangers have broken off. This is especially annoying on the old GP cars where the pipe is visibly flexing like rubber.
Yes, they’ve tried to give it a “real-life touch” by animating the tip as you gas it… but it comes off as a bit cartoony, especially since it’s animated at 30 fps. Also looks somewhat random - is not in sync with the uprevs and downrevs.

Quality lacking in every department; the physics are the only thing I am happy with.
This is why Forza seems like such a tragedy to me. The person in charge of actually making the cars drive and move around the track nailed it, that person in amazing. But so much surrounding that core feature… it’s just so unfortunate. You can tell that there are people in there somewhere who really love cars and driving, but they can’t win every fight.