Universal Studios Time Travel Machine - automatic Fast Travel at speed

The June 17th 2024 newly added DeLorean is a great add to this game (Love it!).
I think with the canon soundtrack from the movie and the canon lighting fx (maybe amped up fx for more drama) Its natural to add a custom fast travel (in place of “time travel”) in the DeLorean when a speed is reached with a flying effect (at cloud level, thundering storms lighting lightnings etc) while waiting to get to destination, you know instead of looking at the map or pics of cars.
OR… maybe develop it so that when the specific speed is reached, the car just goes into the special fx (I mentioned) and travels to an other generated part of the map, and the weather conditions change while fast/time traveling dark thunder lightnings, rush of soundtrack music etc

Lets complete this as best we can to commemorate the movie in top form and give Forza Horizon fans the highest levels that we are accustom too since the Horizon 1.

Thanks for great game and this opportunity to share my thoughts

And also have the option to turn on and off the time circuits by holding right on the controls right keypad