Units - Dear Microsoft/Turn10 PLEASE fix this issue

I’ve been playing Forza since Forza Motorsport 1, thats means I grew up on the franchise and I truly love the games BUT there is ONE thing that bugs me out since YEARS - the units. I live in Europe, over here we use something called metric system, okay, metric units are available BUT why on earth do we get a kWh measurement instead of the widely populated HP measurement?! I want to know how much HP my car has, not how many kilowatt hours, yes of course, we are able to calculate it but that’s just crazy.

thanks so much!

Americans calculate the HP differently than europeans. I can’t tell you specific´s, but

1 HP = 1,01387 PS

1 PS = 0,986320 HP (PS is the german abbreviation for HP)

Based on that i would assume the game can’t calculate, differentiate and display 2 different values named HP.

Watt is the metric unit of power. HP is not metric. As mentioned, there are standard HP and metric HP also.

What do you expect? Should they just use HP all the time, even when metric? Which HP? I think much of the metric world would be very unhappy if HP were used universally.