Unique cars photographed


Idly flicking through my game stats, I found one called “unique cars photographed.” Under Horizon Life I think.

Is this new?

Half a year, maybe more…its the old photo mode from previous Horizon games.

Turn on the indicator in the menus and you’ll see little camera icons appear over cars that you need to photograph in the open world.

Then its go into photo mode and take a pic, note there is a way to take a ‘quick photo’ versus actually taking a full photo, people were complaining that in 4k on consoles the regular photo mode can take 30+ seconds or so to get into and out of, this other way its closer to 10-15 seconds before you’re back driving again.

The two key milestones in photo mode are getting a unique restomod Porsche and the Ferrari Portofino convertible once you capture enough cars.

6 months huh?

that’s pretty good by my standards. I’m still mainly playing Skyrim!



That’s the Horizon Promo challenge, from the FH4 Series 21 Update

The goal is to take a photo of every car in the game. You can track your progress from the main menu “Cars > Horizon Promo & Car Collection” tile

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