Understeer mechanic - Person in my draft

Please remove the understeer mechanic when a driver is behind you (in draft)

It spoils the head to head experience and slows down the pace of the race because it leads to mistakes made due to the unpredictable nature of said physics.
By all means give the driver behind the speed boost from the draft BUT please do not penalise the driver in front.

Let’s make this game fun and the best FM to date.

Yes, 100%
This silly mechanic along with the state of FRR penalties is destroying the online competition.

Fr nascar bump drafts, heck watch days of thunder man they were flying… I try to bump draft on Daytona and end up wiping both of us out… very frustrating

Realistically, when drafting following car should have reduced drag (better acceleration and top speed), but also it should have reduced downforce because of that (worse handling), also car that is in front should had slight drag reduction (depending on car) because of reduced wake effect, but also slightly reduced downforce becouse of wake effect reduction (only when car is rly close, like in case of bump drafting)

In Forza we got:
-unrealistic slipstream that is just too op.
-no penalty for grip when u are in tow.
-no drag reduction for car in front.
-messed up grip for car in front, (they changed it so many time that I don’t even know what’s going on with it right now)

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Even mobile game like real racing 3 can “simulate” drag reduction when someone is bump drafting u.