
I’m amazed at some of the fanboy responses. Turn 10 can do no wrong in your eyes. Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes… Way to let them know that the apologists have their back no matter what.

They keep taking features away from the game and replacing them with things that just aren’t needed. Most long time Forza players that I have talked to want the storefront back, user created lobbies, overall leaderboards, etc. Instead, we now have a game that looks great. It has forzavista, awd conversions (I don’t care about the handful of people who have done it in the reeal world, converting these older cars to awd is conceptually ridiculous), and 24 player lobbbies (instead of 2 morons who ruin every race, the lobbies now have at least 4 nitwits in every race, way to go). Dealing with the crashers and the newbs was bad enough, but now we also have lobbies filled with glitched cars. The leagues are limited and if you enjoy a specific class, then you’re out of luck. There have been countless posts here about how flawed the lobbies are and how user created lobbies would really help. Nope, Turn 10 ignored the pleas from their core fanbase. Now we have lobbies that are far worse in 6 than they were in 5.

What made this game great was that it was based in reality. Logic and thought were needed to become good at the game. Now you just do a very unrealistic drivetrain swap on a car that was never capable of such a thing, throw the rally motor in it, turn the assists on, and you’re in business. Well you lemmings have your eye candy and you can ooh and ahh all you want. I want the competitive part of the game. I want leaderboards with the best players setting the pace so I have something to shoot for. I want lobby racing where I can race with people that are on my level and in the class I want. This is a game that looks amazing, but is so flawed that long term interest in the game won’t happen. A large portion of the best players couldn’t be bothered. I see them on my friends list. 2 weeks after launch and they are playing other games already.

I won’t bore you blind loyalists with any more of my drivel. You guys enjoy your dumbed down version of the game. I’m moving on to something else.


Please post in the existing bug threads or contact the developers by email at forzafb@microsoft.com. Thanks.