Unable to Join Session (Not using virgin mobile superhub)

Hello does anyone know how to fix not being able to join any game sessions public or private.

Im not using a virgin mobile superhub 2 and my nat type is open i dont get it

I have the same problem execpt I can join a hopper if friends in my party are in 1 other than that I cant go into multi player and join a lobby .
my nat is also open same with port forwarding .

its an unrecognized logging failure, you’re not fully logged in but your 360 thinks you are. go to settings then to internet connection and run the multi player test. it’ll probably pass, if not set up your internet 1st. then do a hard reboot. what ever the logging glitch is it is saved in the ram so it has to be cleared. hold the power button on the console for about 10 seconds untill the xbox fully shuts down. then start it back up, it starts up slower because it has to reload everything from scratch, which is a good thing since it dosn’t save the error from before. useing the kinnect or controller puts it into sleep mode, not a full power down and reboot it will just load the same error again.

I am getting the same error message also, I can never connect just get unable to join sessions.
Spoke to xbox support and they couldn’t help, contacted turn 10 and they don’t respond.

I’m on sky so I have a sagemcom router, anyone got any ideas?


I ended up having to direct connect wired to my modem and forward all my ports to the xbox one. It still randomly does it sometimes and a hard reboot and resetting my settings. Not sure if updates have fixed this but I haven’t tried wireless again. Using comcast X1 system could have something to do with it?

ive tried this, and still hasn’t worked, would be helpful if forza would respond, really it should just work on the first attempt, no one should have to setup port forwarding themselves to get it to work online, I wont be buying any packs until it is resolved, seriously thinking of getting rid of xbox one and getting a ps4 and gran turismo now

Having same issue with fm5. The fix for some turning off instant on doesnt seem to be the problem as it detects an open nat might work for other people. I do notice there is some upload packet loss in the dash network test.