Unable to invite people to play online | Update 18

Yesterday evening, when I invited my friends to my Private Multiplayer lobby they got the pop-up off the invite from the gamebar (PC), but when they looked at it the invite disappeared before they could accept it.
Before they got the invite they couldn’t join my lobby throught the friend list, after the invite disappeared they could.

We’re all playing on PC (windows store version).

Does not work on Xbox series x. Invite to game does not appear, also getting ‘Something went wrong’ when clicking Invite friends. Does not work from xbox friends list or party list. Tried resetting and hard reset, no luck

I also know three people who currently can’t play online. They can’t open a private lobby, can’t join an other lobby and can’t start into the featured multiplayer screen. I can confirm that reinstalling did not help.

The following gamertags have issues:
Tax Payer 0815
and the third guy I currently have no gamertag from

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Sometimes it helps to re-install the gaming services.
Worth a try at least it’s done in 2 minutes.

A post was merged into an existing topic: MultiPlayer not available, MP manager disabled

We’re closing this topic as a backend services update last week resolved this issue for most players. If you are continuing to experience issues with the Invite system since March 15th, please open a new topic in the Report New Issues section with your details so we can monitor them separately. Additionally, any other multiplayer issues should be treated as new topics.

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