I posted this in the misc section of the general topic forums but wasnt even looked at for over an hour. Considering this is a simple question i decided to put it in this section of the forums in hopes of a quick response. It isnt so much off topic considering that Forza 5 is basically the one and only reason i even bought headsets. But anyways heres my issue:
So i just received the XO sevens from turtle beach, but theres a problem that i cant fix and really bothers me… I downloaded the required controller update and connected everything accordingly, and everything seemed to go well; yet when i go in a party chat to try talking to someone i cant really hear what I am saying… They can hear me, and i can hear them perfect, but my headsets dont play my voice as well, so i cant really hear myself speak. Although it sounds silly, the foam that covers your ears really blocks any outside sounds, including your own voice. So it simply also plays your voice through the headphones.
I had X12s for the xbox 360 and i could hear my voice as well as others, it worked perfect. But i cant hear my own voice while using the XO sevens. Ive checked connections and even tried redownloading the controller update(which simply told me I had already downloaded it) but nothing works. Im not sure if this is even an option or if my headset is broken, its brand new so i seriously doubt it. This is kind of a deal breaker for me if i cant hear myself, since i feel like im deaf while talking to others. Please if anyone has this headset can you please refer me to where the voice options are to fix this problem, or if this headset just simply doesnt have the feature of playing your own voice through the headset.
Aside from that, is there a way to play game sound through both the headset and the TV? Im not sure if theyve even added an option for that but it would be nice to find out they did. Anyways thanks for your time.
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I would also like to know about this too. I have looked around and no one is talkn about it. Its a big deal breaker.
Do you have a button labelled ‘PGM’ or ‘Mic monitoring’ ? This will be the button that controls that feature.
No theres no such button or option that ive been able to find… do you have the XO 7s as well? i dont think they have any of those buttons, or maybe im just looking in the wrong placce…but Im starting to think this is just how they are.
Hearing this further solidifies my hunt for just the adapter. I have the DX-12’s and enjoy the Digital Surround Sound way too much to give that up. And love how I can hear myself in them too. Toomuch gone wrong with these XO TB’s. 
No i dont have the xo sevens, I’ve got the xp400’s which have the feature you mention, I’ve had a look on the internet and from what i’ve read it doesn’t look like the xo’s have voice monitoring ( which i find odd ). Can you return them and get a different model and get the adapter? I use my xp400’s an its perfect, chat is clear and i can hear myself through my headset. I cant get my head round why they would choose to remove such a needed feature, did no one at turtle beach test them? It’s like talking with your fingers in your ears. 
Yeah its kinda bad news for me since they don’t have this feature, what I find even more odd is that the Earforce Atlas for Titanfall do support that feature but it doesn’t work the xbox one, only for the 360 and PC. Thankfully I made the buy through amazon so im able to return them, Im thinking of buying the X42 which seem very good and support that feature, and at an awesome amazon price of about $120. It sucks the XO sevens cant support that given that they are very solid headsets, the leather on the earbuds and around the frame of the plastic that sits above your head is very good quality, aside from the mic monitoring, this would be a great headset. The X42 seems good enough for me and now that the adapter came out its even better, im looking at others as well but they can get very pricey. Thanks for your help
Bradley I have another quick question for ya… For the XP400 that you have, im actually pretty interested in those and might just get them, but theres something I cant understand very well… I know they are bluetoooth, and that theres no cable that comes with it to go from the headset to the controller, it only brings that wireless piece that connects to the controller and you sync the headset to it… My question is how does it work with the xbox one, did you just simply go ahead and buy 3.5mm jack cable to connect the the new xbox one adapter, or does it somehow still work with what it comes with? I just want to make sure its compatible before going ahead and buying it.
Yes mate just use a 2.5mm cable from the headset to the adapter and away you go, I’ve had a few turtlebeaches/ tritton headsets and the xp400’s perform the best IMHO. Game audio is good enough and chat is loud and clear. For the price i think its a good deal. Dont get me wrong they are not the best sounding headset on the market but no where near the worst.