picking a xbox one headset

The new xbox one headsets come out today so im going to get 1 but have no idea what the best ones will be .
Theres turtle beach xo fours then xo sevens and then Polk audio has there line as well .
what is the best option ? no budget as well .

Same here. Trying to decide between the MS stereo headset and the TB XO Fours.

can you use them along with the th tx wheel?

I am most likely going to go with the Turtle Beach’s, but am going to wait and see some reviews on them first and a month to see how reliable they are.

I already have a pair of TB DX-12’s I used with my Xbox 360, I’m more than likely just going to get the stereo headset adapter so I can chat with them again and not have to wear two headsets at once. lol.

I’d like the XO Sevens from TB, but I really need a new laptop more.

I’ve used Astros for a while and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

I’ve never had a really good headset and the reason why I’m looking at either the MS stereo headset or the TB XO Fours is that they are wireless to the console.

I went to EB games today seems they were pushed back until next week for the big titanfall release .
Im still up in the air thinking about what to get leaning towards the TB xo sevens .
does anyone know how the adapter works and if you can use 360 or pc headsets with the mic working for chats ?

So the adapter has to be used for every single headset apart from the ones that come with the system. Pretty much you plug the adapter into the controller and then you plug your headset into the adapter. The adapter has controls on it to control the volume of chat audio as well as game audio.

After hearing from a friend the XO Sevens are indeed just Stereo and not Dolby Digital, my choice has been made, I am sticking with my TB DX-12’s and just getting the adapter.

I’m tossing up between the Polk 4 Shot since they were developed in collab. with Turn 10 and the standard Xbox Stereo Headset. Either way it’ll be the first time I’ll get a headset for any form of gaming so I don’t quite know what to look for in a good set of cans.

The Polks are horrible for anyone in the party, it sounds like the people with them are talking with a sock in their mouth. You can’t hardly understand or hear them. The sound quality on the newer TB’s is stereo and isn’t good either.

Had two friends get Polks, one guy returned his after 5 minutes of being online when we couldn’t understand him. He went and swapped for TB’s then our other friend joined with another muffled voice through Polk. He returned his today while the guy returned his TB’s because of the poor sound quality and got the adapter and PX4’s.

I still have my TB Tango’s and love them. Works pretty good with the adapter but since the controller update I get random disconnects. Probably just going to buy a cable and run a wired controller.

I don’t currently have a gaming headset - with the 360 I just use good headphones with the MS headset over the top of them for the mic (routing voice to speakers so I could hear them over the headphones). Since I am not 100% sure what I want to get, and the fact that most places have the full headset but not the stand alone adapter yet - I just spend the extra $50 and got the full MS Headset package for now. If nothing else, $50 is not bad for a backup headset.

Has anyone had any experience with the Xbox Stereo headset yet? Looking at those for a possibility.

I decided on the TB xo sevens today after calling around found a store that had 1 in stock so I rushed out and bought them .
Im very impressed here in Australia they retail for $250 its a steep price but the quality and feel solid and comfortable to wear .
The mic picks up my voice spot on very clear and sound quality is very good loud no distortion crystal clear .
im a very happy owner now I can give my old TB x12s to my gf for her 360 lol .

I bought the Titanfall set which is basically the XO 4’s with Titanfall paint. They were very comfortable and the sound was good. There is no sidetone so you can’t hear yourself talking, which made me feel like I was yelling into the mic. The reason I returned mine though is they get their power from the controller, so be ready with extra batteries or your charging cable. I ended up taking mine back and getting a pair of the Astro A50’s, with the surround sound setting on the optical now it is awesome hearing everything around you.

I’m using my turtle beach px 5 which I’ve had for a couple of years now and with the update sound great.
I can barely hear people though when I’m in a race.I’ve turned the in game volume down to 65 but still struggle to hear chat.
Also can’t select 7.1 surround sound in the game.

Xo sevens get there power from the controller as well I have my controller always hooked up to the usb cable only use it for painting and tuning so its no fuss .

Buy an older headset and the adapter. Trust me…you can get Ear Force Tango’s for nothing on Ebay and they are the best headset available. I tried A40, A50 and both were disappointing (they were bought by Skullcandy, if you can find older Astro’s before they made them cheaper those are probably better). I had Tritton Warheads that were HORRIBLE, hated them.

Old Astro’s/Tangos
New Astro’s
Turtle Beach PX5 or the equivalent for Xbox
TB 4.2 or whatever it is now

I’ve had them all and did side by sides with them all except the older Astro’s which I also loved.

do they work with a wheel