I like to race on hood view. A problem I have playing online is when a player quits the race, the notification saying they quit appears in the middle of the screen. Blocking right where I’m looking and tends to break my concentration. I usually end up bombing an apex or hitting another car. Is there any way to turn the notification off?
Unfortunately no.
Would be better if they turned off random lobby disconnects. Haven’t had this problem in months until today. But. I agree with OP. Who the heck cares who quit or got disconnected?
I started racing in hood view yestrrday as my windshield was shattered…I really like that, but OPs problem is really a thing.
It completely blocks the vision…and that info really isn’t that important…I mean I somehow like to see the car in front of me more…
I asked Forza’s official Twitter if they could do something about it. See what they say, I know that’s a long shot but maybe if enough is brought up about they may fix it.
Of course you can’t turn the notification off and nor should you be able to this is a vital piece of information. I mean could you imagine if God forbid they did remove it how would you know when all those random people who you have never met have just quit? I think if anything they should make it bigger just to make sure you can read it.
Hopefully they could use the pitlane overlay? That way you wouldn’t be able to miss it!
My favorite is:
“XXX is pitting…”
“XXX quit the race”
Then it becomes a game of “who bumped mr.xxx?”
This ‘valuable’ information along with “The race in ending in …” needs to be moved from center screen, at a minimum.

This ‘valuable’ information along with “The race in ending in …” needs to be moved from center screen, at a minimum.
Absolutely move those notices up, down, left, or right… not in my face!!! Who actually thought that this would be acceptable???
2 options,
Turn off the rear view mirror
Put telemetry on

I like to race on hood view. A problem I have playing online is when a player quits the race, the notification saying they quit appears in the middle of the screen. Blocking right where I’m looking and tends to break my concentration. I usually end up bombing an apex or hitting another car. Is there any way to turn the notification off?
I drive cockpit view and this notification nuisance you’re complaining about has never caused any distraction or crashes for me whatsoever and works the way it was intended.
Driver Quit: useless information placed in the worst possible location.
Race Ending In: useful information placed in the worst possible location.
Yes, I agree completely.
They should use the PIT LANE overlay, for all of these notices. For anyone driving Hood View, having these small notices, EXACTLY in your line of sight is not enough of a distraction. If I am to be properly distracted, it needs to be much larger. While they are at it, they need to change the sound from the clicky to a CLOWN BELL. That way I will be sure to be completely distracted and annoyed.
The game was coded by people who never play the game. Seems pretty obvious that it wasn’t tested enough.
I belive the issue isn’t a problem at 1080p,
This topic has been covered in the Support forum. I urge everyone who is effected by this issue to post there. It would also be helpfull if the Moderators would Pin the thread twards the top. Maybe then, the problem might get the attention of T10.