Cant disagree with any of the comments on this page. Well said guys, and kudos to a discussion that didnt simply just lead to bashing either one game or another or going for personal attacks. Nice chatting with you.
Colin, I completely agree I think as long as they are a group that is directly linked to ms, no matter how nerdy high tech perfect sim the people there would like to make it, it wont happen. Sim titles simply just dont have mass appeal. Heck in the world of sports motorsport simply doesnt have the mass appeal of a Football (american), soccer. Madden comes out every year and continuously outsells forza which is biannual. Even forza 5 which was a launch title and came with the console in many instances barely outsold the first madden on xbox1. And the first fifa on xbox 1 still outsold forza.
Seanbil I think you are right. Video games were always after the children demographic and the majority of children would rather have some fun to play silly title. Ie rocket league etc. They dont want to grind around race tracks and try to get slightly faster. When you hit teenage years you may see them go this way a little bit, but at that point so many had grown up on call of duty etc that they still dont care for the genre.
Evan, I agree if they would refine rather than “we built a super algorithm, we can predict a car without knowing all the information” Ummm what? lol. How about trying to actually get the information. There are only a handful of cars of the hundreds they have that I think they would remotely have a hard time tracking down/scanning and pulling the data from. But i dont think their system is even built to handle most of that data anyways so that would all be a waste to begin with.
I dont really follow you on the physics system being able to be pushed. Care to elaborate?
Imo iracing is always very consistent with the drive. There are very limited cars and on top of using tons of data they try to get real life driver input on the cars. The issue with the tyres doesnt cause you to drive weird but it makes for odd setups and wonky stuff sometimes. Like trying to run the lowest possible tyre temp, having fastest laps set the cooler the track is. It is more of a sensitivity issue which is being worked on with the updated tyre model, but its taking them a while to roll it out on everything. The other issues i have is due to them not faking and data if they cant get access to the data (which is often difficult on modern race cars until they become irrelevent) is that it is a constant limiting factor on the cars in the sim. The other issue i have is sometimes from the data and the testing and input from a real life driver, they will release a car. People dont like the way it drives and complain. The next season a member provides them a baseline which is better to drive but is completely different from the original and the baseline is replaced with this new baseline. This continues and a few seasons later the baseline provided is nothing like the original and you are no longer driving the same car/ same characteristics etc.
When I mean the physics being pushed, I’m taking about refining the cars yourself. Getting real world data and plugging it into the game to make it more realistic. Most of Forza’s inaccuracies come down to two things:
Poor stock setups
Poor performance accuracy relative to the real world counterpart.
When I mean ‘pushing the physics’. I’m taking about using the upgrade, tuning and handicap system to better refine the cars, hence what I do with my realistic tunes and such.
You should try one of my tunes and setups sometime. I think you’d be pleasantly surprised how different you can make the physics feel.
When it comes to iRacing, I completely agree about the tires allowing for wonky tunes. Same goes for F1. The fastest tunes in both games are setups that cool the tires the most which is odd. I am looking forward to the iRacing tire model and their new damage model looks great too.
I tried FM5 today on a borrowed Xbox. Rather than re-examine the gamepad steering from FM4, they injected more forces into the physics, then in FM7, tweaked the tires to death to make the monstrosities that are their tunes plus the injected forces, more exciting to drive. What a hellish driving experience. There is no saving this franchise.
Off the dome. I don’t like FM5 or FM7. FM4 was ok, I put up with it for the content. Can’t do the same for the succeeding FMs. Even the menus in FM5 on an original Xbox One are slower than FM4 on a 360.
Remember how the tuning menu used to be? The d-pad was single ticks and the analog stick could send the slider from min to max in 2 seconds if you held it full to one side? That was great. Too bad they scrapped it. Want to change your spring rate by 300 pounds? Have fun waiting for the acceleration of the slider. And the overshoot/undershoot. Fiddle with it some more to get it where you wanted. This type of stuff turns me off. Can’t stay interested. ADD or whatever.
Overall the game is fun. I have invested a lot of hours into the game and I still enjoy it.
It has something for almost everyone. They attempted to cover all types of motorsport. You can play single player or go online. Drift, drag, rival, free play.
Lots of cars, and historically a lot of them are really good cars.
Graphics are really good.
Car packs did have some good cars and they were all new to the franchise
T10 stuck with it and kept trying to improve/fix the game
Weather effects and lighting effects are pretty cool
What they got wrong
Bugs - The game had too many bugs. A lot of them got fixed, but it just didn’t make since that it had some much going wrong when Forza 6 was good. I was hoping for FM7 to be similar to how FM4 was like a dialed in version of FM3. FM6 was leaps better than FM5, and FM7 should have built on FM6. It seems like they did FM7 from scratch and bit off way too much in too short a period of time. The car loading was really bad, the Forzathon achievements not working was bad, the Fast and Furious cars causing framerate dip on Xbox was bad, the headlights not working was bad, shift animations not working was bad, and list goes on.
No DLC - This was a biggie. They needed to do at least one expansion of some sort. Even a track pack or one new track and some cars. Something.
Off Roaders - I really liked the car packs except for vehicles that I think could have been replaced with something more appropriate for the game. Off roaders on circuit courses just were not that fun for me.
VIP - Who thought it would be good to take away double credits for VIPs after using the mod cards. This was one of the those FM6 things that wasn’t broke so why change it. Also, I think the VIP exclusive could have been better. The VIP only rivals events featured some cars that I didn’t really enjoy like the Dodge truck for the first event.
Releasing the game too soon - I’m sure the business side of things required T10 to release the game, but it wasn’t done when it was released. It was playable, but not done. From what I remember, the jump from FM3 to FM4 was not drastic. A lot carried over from 3 and 4 became the best in the series. FM7 seems like it was different enough from FM6 that much much more time was going to be needed to complete it. I think the Forza fans would have waited another year for a much better product with minimal bugs and glitches and more tracks. I would have waited. I still was playing FM6 and going through the Nascar expansion when Forza 7 was announced would be out within a year.
Overall, I’m still happy with the franchise and still support T10. I think FM8 will impress and get things back on track. I’m sure once the first gameplay trailer for FM8 on Scarlett comes out, we’ll all be ready to spend our money and forget about FM7. They do make really good trailers…
The thing that annoys me and I’m sure many others is when you play online races at the end of each race you don’t get enough time to complete the race as the countdown is too short. No matter what length of race your doing you only get a measly 1 minute to complete it.
I’d like a setting that would allow finishing the race on the next time past the finish line after it has been won like in real motorsport. It’s a pain in the backside having to wait for someone 3 laps down to finish or make them dnf on timer.
I only want them to have this rule moving forward with all future FM titles: don’t break things that worked great in the previous games - whether it’s audio, graphics or control.
They keep re-inventing the wheel so drastically with every game, yet it feels like a mere version update with broken elements that worked fine in the older games.
I just really hope that turn 10 get rid of locking cars behind Forzathon or other timed events like most of FM7’s run and the shambles in FH4.
Locking them behind specific events like championship or endurance racing is fine if you can do them any time to get the car. But excluding those and perhaps Forza edition cars, every car should be purchasable at any time.
I’d also like to see homologation continue, but also have a class based series of championships from E-X respectively. Perhaps with needing to finish each class before being able to move on. I feel that in FM7, this could have been done better by having each level only containing a couple of PI classes. I.e. the beginner series should have only been E and D classes, the next series having C and B and so on.
Finally I’d really like to be able to edit race suits. Have say 5-6 templates that allow you to colour in 3-4 sections however you like. Speaking of race suits, the national ones should be the country’s racing colours, not flag colours, so British racing Green for The UK, white/silver for Germany, black/silver for NZ, green and yellow for Australia, etc.
loads of off road and suv vehicles and we get to race them on tarmac circuits built for road cars.
nopoint creating a list of 800 plus cars in the game when up to 10 % of them are pointless unless you include dirt or autocross type tracks
If Grand Turismo could do it in the past … why cant forza now … no brainer isnt it ??? !!!
I absolutely adored the series on 360, FM5 was so unappealing to me that I didn’t get it and ended up being away from the series until FM6 went GWG last month, now despite not being on the 360 era’s level in my opinion 6 has reignited my love for the Motorsport games.
How would I find 7 if I got it? I’m mostly a career mode player and only go into multiplayer for the achievements.
You’ll like it all in all - improved physics, slightly better lighting model though somewhat inconsistent. But be prepared to deal with a car sound downgrade. It’s improved only in certain areas (parts vibrating, suspension bottoming out, trans whine, crash effects etc), but overall, a downgrade IMO.
However, it generally feels more alive than FM6. I chose it over 6 for the physics alone.
It’s a hell of a lot better than it was on release. There are still some bugs and a few interesting production directions. Definitely worth a go if you can afford it.