tier 12

As of today,Tier 12 mode activated,finally!!!


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Thanks dude,was harder for me since no pc to play Apex.


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Well done

If you are lucky you wont need to wait 4-6 weeks to get the tier 12 rewards like a lot of the rest of us did


Still waiting on mine Talby71. It has been about 8 weeks so maybe it is my lucky day Friday. I was wondering how long it took.


Me too…been about 8 weeks and still getting tier11 rewards.


Good job mate I’m not there yet .

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Congrats, $500k per week forza award is a nice little something to look forward to

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That’s awesome! I can’t even SEE 12 from where I am. But at least I’m back racing, so I shouldn’t complain.

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Nice job. Not sure why they removed the Tier 12 badge, it only goes up to 11. Maybe they’ll put it back in.


According to the FAQ for FM7 the Tier 12 Badge is impossible, because it requires FM7 points and the Badges are awarded one time when you start.

"What are the Loyalty Rewards for FM7?
Loyalty Rewards are one-time gifts at the start of your gamesave based on your Forza Rewards Tier. Loyalty Rewards are a combination of Forza-themed Driver Gear suits plus playercard Badge plus Prize Crates. While there are no direct car gifts, Prize Crates may include cars.
Tier 2: 1 Prize Crate, Tier 2 Badge, Forza Motorsport 7 Driver Gear suit
Tier 3: 2 Prize Crates, Tier 3 Badge, Forza Horizon 3 Driver Gear suit
Tier 4: 3 Prize Crates, Tier 4 Badge, Forza Motorsport 6 Driver Gear suit
Tier 5: 4 Prize Crates, Tier 5 Badge, Forza Horizon 2 Driver Gear suit
Tier 6: 5 Prize Crates, Tier 6 Badge, Forza Motorsport 5 Driver Gear suit
Tier 7: 6 Prize Crates, Tier 7 Badge, Forza Horizon Driver Gear suit
Tier 8: 7 Prize Crates, Tier 8 Badge, Forza Motorsport 4 Driver Gear suit
Tier 9: 8 Prize Crates, Tier 9 Badge, Forza Motorsport 3 Driver Gear suit
Tier 10: 9 Prize Crates, Tier 10 Badge, Forza Motorsport 2 Driver Gear suit
Tier 11: 10 Prize Crates, Tier 11 Badge, Forza Motorsport Driver Gear suit

Suits and Badges are cumulative: “So, if you are Tier 4 at the launch of Forza Motorsport 7, you will receive the Forza Motorsport 7, Forza Horizon 3, and Forza Motorsport 6 driver suits, the Tiers 2-4 Badges, and 3 total Prize Crates. (Note that there are no Tier 12 rewards, as Tier 12 will not be possible to attain until the release of Forza Motorsport 7).”^

Yeah,it was just weird they had the tier 12 badge there to begin with,then removed it.

Congrats T-Rex… you will like the weekly reward improvements. It’s ice getting 500,000 a week to play with! It’s almost like an allowance…LOL


Congrats and welcome to the T12 club! :hugs:

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Thanks V-Man,hope you are well!!

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Congrats T-REX.

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It takes until you make up enough points on top of Tier 12 to earn the token points they gave out is my theory. The delay isn’t time based, if you stopped playing you’d never get there. The delay is based on the number of points it shows versus it thinks you have. They’re in no hurry to fix their broken code and give everyone the right amount of credits each week.

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That was my experience. I “unlocked” the 75,000 credit new tier award on the day I would have had enough points to get to tier 12 without the bonus points (I had most of the DLC points, so I only was missing the tokens.)

Yeah, the extra half million credits per week is nice.


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