Turn 10, what you got right and wrong with Forza 7

Your pretty right on the AI problem. I am generally in the top 20% to top 10% on the leaderboards. So I’d say I’m not really slow. But in most free run races where I have to start within a pack of AI. They can be very troublesome.
And the problem with Turn10 is they seem to be trying to fix the game for the top 10% of the players. So when issues like tjis get posted and some of the upper tier players are saying things like which contradict the problems it basically fogs the view of Turn10 to fix the problems for the lower level players. There’s over a million copies of FM7 out, probably less than 90,000 average on the typical leaderboards. Turn10 could do some work on the problems affecting the lower level players and it would have no bearing on the top level players. They would attract more active players to the game. And in turn, generate more internal reasons to further enhance future games. Fixing problems within the game is a win win for all.

The forza franchise especially this generation is probably the most accessible series of racing games youre going to find. The ai is just plain bad and they haven’t done anything to improve it in quite some time so whether your fast or slow its still a bad experience for most. Many racing games now use a numbered difficulty scale which allows for a much better chance at having an optimal racing experience. They need to drop the rubber banding mechanic that theyve been using since forza 6 because its embarrassing and invest some of that dlc money where it matters.

I can relate to that - despite PCARS excellent physics and a number of things it does better than Forza - the latter is still my go to game for some on-track kicks.

AC I tried once but found the experience so dated that returned it the same day.

  • content
  • tuning
  • everything else

The game as a whole loses my attention. I don’t care to start listing why.

Yes I wish they would.

PCARS2 has good AI - the drivers appear more human than AI.

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Well I have been away for more than a year. Still issues persist which suggests the fundamental of the game are flawed beyond repair in this iteration of the game.

I came to Forza with FM2 and played pretty much every day through to last year. 2 3 4 all got progressively better (but not perfect!). Then, aside from enhanced graphics the whole franchise has rolled backwards. Quite why great fictional tracks were dropped still perplexes me. Appalling judgement.

Given that most motorsport across the world is at a club/local level most of the cars rac3d are road cars suitably amped up. The obsession with pushing bespoke, or prototype, racers has bored me t death. Other games provide a better experience of this. We definitely don’t need Hot Wheels, trucks, most of the other idiotic curios or lots of open wheelers.

If you had but continued on the path of FM4 then things would be infinitely better.

Fundamentals like user interfaces are shockingly poor and glitch ridden to this day. Whoever was responsible for the paint booth should have been jettisoned bug time. It’s dreadful. Not only is it unnecessarily difficult it’s lighting is hard on the eyes. Not good when logo creation takes multiple hours of work.

This final point is something Microsoft really ought to bear in mind:

Without Forza I would NEVER have bought an Xbox. So as a direct result of this franchise I have purchased

Xbox360 x 3
FM3 limited edition
FM4 limited edition
FM5 day one limited edition
FM6 limited edition
FM7 limited edition x2
Xbox one day one 3dition plus another Xbox one
Xbox one s
Xbox controllers x10
Rechargeable battery packs x 8
Turtle Beach headsets x 6
Xbox elite controller
All DLC for FM

In addition 150 plus other games played by my son, myself and friends. You do the maths. Right now I am lost as a customer and unlikely to return with my fat wallet unless things take a quantum leap forward. There are many, many more like me.


Well, you’re certainly not alone. I don’t know what it will take for them to hit the same level of quality and polish as FM2 and FM4.

One question though: why did you feel the need to purchase three Xbox Ones and FM7 twice!?

agree totally
FM5 FM6 I barely touched way too clunky and waiting for loading screens or after race useless screens was a major time killer UI sucked and lets not even get into the cards and boxes,support seemed short lived for those games.Another issue they have is sound,sound has gone downhill and I understand they lost their lead sound guy to grand tourismo team few years back but the sounds need a major improvement and not so many duplicate generic sounds.Sound creates immersion,I understand more sounds = more space but next game/next gen instead of trying for 8k just make the game smooth as silk in 4k or less and improve sounds ,geometry/physics and AI either rebuild drivatars or do away with them and just go back to regular AI npc’s take a look at fm4 and refocus.Hopefully they have some great pc ports too because there been far too many performance issues in the past and so much potential on pc to take a backseat approach.On a positive note I am glad they realize their shortcomings and hope they are able to address a lot of things I like they are trying to make online play better and spending some time working on the drag racing and minor sound fixes(lol)
ontop of a few minor things T10 please make the sound better in FM8. I don’t care how accurate the sound is playing from a nearby speaker I care how the engine tone sounds the sounds of the gears as I bang through 3rd and 4th gear and maybe have a miss-shift or hear some engine trouble or broken linkage if the car has been damaged in an incident.I don’t want to hear half my cars sound like old clips from cruising usa or outrun :wink:

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Is it me or does it seem like the cars are easier to drive compared to previous iterations. Everything seems super grippy and it is almost like stm and tcs are not needed on any of the cars

It’s not just you. It’s quite unfortunate that they’re making the game more casual and arcade with every release. To date, FM5 has the best physics on Xbox One, IMHO. What people call driving on ice is very, very realistic and about as close to real track driving as a Forza game has ever been. Very nuanced and a reasonable learning curve. From FM6 inwards I think they’ve practically ditched the tire and aero physics. Although FM7 has somewhat improved suspension physics, they can’t live up to the likes of PCARS2 or AC. This is why I stopped playing GT as well - the physics have hardly evolved since GT3.

For the record, I have never ever required TCS and STM in any of their games because I drive without them IRL, and love when the tail kicks out a little bit.

FM7 has a good base physics model like another Forza veteran mentioned once, can’t recall their name - but that’s all it is. It’s a few ‘base values’ modified and applied to all the cars. It just doesn’t want to evolve. If I drive IRL like I do in Forza, I’d be looking at some hefty insurance premiums.

I wish they would bring back the FM5 physics model and make it even more nuanced, with actual car data from the respective manufacturers. The physics just need to get to the next level - braking, suspension, aero, steering, everything! Weight transfer is actually done nicely, but there’s a lot of room for improvement. Crowd funded games like PCARS are practically handing it to Forza in physics, and even in sound on some of the cars.


Really don’t want this game to be more arcade like. I prefer the sim aspect to it. Hate also the physics of Horizon with the latest iteration you practically do not need to brake. Truly sad. Still I do love Motorsport but no need to make the physics easier

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That’s what he said… stop making it casual and arcade… aim for realistic physics…

Exactly - I don’t even enjoy playing any of the Horizon games anymore except for Horizon 1 and 2, which actually require a little bit of skill.

Forza is becoming to focused on visual gimmickry far too much and a vast amount of cars up front (many among those have no business being on track or a road).

It is truly sad to see them build such a good base with FM5 and the older FM games on X360, and then strip it down to a casual game with ridiculous aspects like driver ‘outfits’ and track sound effects that are out of balance with car sounds - are they aiming the franchise at mostly teenagers and people in their early 20s? I’m pretty sure there’s a massive audience in their 40s and 50s that have enjoyed Forza since the beginning.

I think it may be a lack of motivation. They’re probably burned out and trying too hard to keep it fresh. How about they retain the best bits from older games and build from there? No? Okay, just saying!


I play on PC and absolutely love the game, but am devastated that 21:9 widescreen is not supported in replays.
I have an Acer 34" monitor and it kills me how beautiful it is when racing, but I have black bars on each side in replays.
I have never understood why they have not fixed this.

Most things i could think of are listed already. Some i agree with, some i don’t. Mine is less of an issue but still disappointing after FM6.

  • It felt like track side atmosphere had been lowered on many tracks from FM6. Less people, trucks, buildings, bbq smoke etc. Not all tracks but definitely some. Laguna Seca for example.
    I know performance is something they have to keep in mind but going forward i’d like to see track side atmosphere grow.

Many of the things people are asking for regarding handling of the cars is very difficult with this much content. You can’t compare a title like this, which has approaching a thousand different vehicles, with something like iRacing that has about eighty and they’ve been consistently adding cars for 10 years.

And while I agree with the request for track DLC I have to push back on complaints about the tracks in Forza 7. The title has a large selection of excellent tracks baked in from the very start. I can’t think of another title with a better track selection than this and no one had to pay for anything additional.

Overall, Forza 7 does a ton of things very very well. No, it is not a PC racing Sim. But it still has huge amounts of content and a lot of good features baked in. It sounds like we will be getting some new tracks in the next title and that will certainly be appreciated.

Here is a request for the Forza 8 that I did not see in this thread. I would like to see a lot more options for the leaderboards. First, I would like local leaderboards to come back like they were in early forza games and still exist in GT Sport. I have a small Suite of cars in each class and love to set lap times on a given track and compare them to other cars in class. The only way to do this is with local leaderboards. Regarding online leaderboards, I would like to see some differentiation in how we can cut the data. In particular, I would like to see how my times stack up to someone else’s who is driving the same car with no upgrades. I understand that modifying the vehicles is a big part of the title but I don’t like the fact the leaderboards are really a combination of how quick are you and how much did you modify the car. If we could compare our times to the same car with no modifications then we would serve the audience who just wants to see how fast they are in a given vehicle.

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sorry - double post

I will not drive stock Forza suspensions. They are atrocious.


100% agreement here. For this reason, (and pretty much just this reason), the FRR multiplayer lobby is a disaster for me, the cars in stock form are just horrible, oversteering beasts - no fun to drive at all. I am really hoping that the August update will offer at least one more FRR lobby, this one with full customization and tuning allowed. Ideally, it should be an option in EVERY lobby).

I find the same experience with the “Race” suspension components - in their “out-of-the-box” settings, the cars handle horribly. Same basic conditions as the stock suspensions, but at least they can be worked out with time and testing.

Oversteer? I think you mean understeering monstrosities that can ever turn and most when you release the throttle lose all grip because of the differential settings are god awful