In the practice sessions on career and multi-player you have the option in the pause menu to tune your car, but there is no mode where you can build any car you have on any track. It would be huge QoL if you could just pick a car and a track and have the option to tune and upgrade more quickly and easily than quitting out to the menus. If this is already a feature and I somehow missed it, let me know thanks.
What i miss the most, quick tuning access in rivals. This is super uncomfortable. And if i remember right back then, in FM … 4 or so, you could go and test directly from the tune menu.
That option is available. I think on the main menu, if you go to tune a car, there is an option to test drive and once in there you can rebuild and tune to your hearts content.
Or at least I think that is where i did this.
You can build your car just not as easily as tune. If your doing meetup you can upgrade it in the pits.
I just dream of a ‘test track’ feature you can work on any car on any track any time. The best opportunity to tune is in practice sessions where you can just tune on the track. That way you can feel your results in near real time and you don’t forget what you just did if you screw up. If you could do upgrades on the track that would be great. Wanna get a conversion and try it out, gotra exit to menu. Wanna drop in a new engine, remove it and trade for a cam and a turbo instead? Then you can tell the differences. Just a huge QoL, and it would probably get people more interested in learning to tune. Devs? You out there?
yea they got this, hit x in when turning from the menus.
Omg. If only I could read… Thanks.
Would be nice if you could actually alter the brake bias or diff in car …