So I tuned up one of my cars and was pretty happy with it, however, thought I might be able to improve it. The second tune was okay if I was racing boats but not so good for cars and wanted to return to my original saved tune which is P912 therefore quite a parts list. I had saved my tune did not add or subtract parts it was all done in the tuning settings I went to change it back and I am asked do I want to buy and install the parts found?.
My question is am I going to have to pay for these all again like the auction house where you lose the parts you just purchased?
If you need to pay for any parts it will show. a total price for the tune before you sellect apply tune you only ever need to pay for parts when you apply that tune to a new car you have bought but once bought all ways owned.
I swap tunes quita a lot and neve have to rebuy parts for the same car.
Thanks, Alan. Too bad they didn’t extend this principle to the AH RE the parts you already paid for and I guess that is why I had a heart attack. I found one thing out though and that is you don’t have to change your tune much to go from a rock solid legend to seasick.