Tunes Not Displaying in Multiplayer Lobbies

I’m experiencing an issue where tunes are listed as “Not available” in the lobby before multiplayer races, even though my current car has a saved tune loaded. This is so on about half the cars in the lobby. To me it seems that only very popular tunes are displayed, as only “name brand” tunes appear. Is anyone else experience this or a related issue?

I’ve done a basic search and haven’t yielded much on the topic, but please forgive me if it’s been brought up already.

If you’re using your own tune I don’t believe it shows it for you, however everyone else can see it. The reason for only seeing tunes for half the lobby in MP is a mix between they aren’t running a tune or they’ve tuned their own and did not share it.

I’m fairly certain Turn 10 is not hiding no name tunes or only showing the big boys because I’ve downloaded many lesser know tunes during hopper racing.

I could follow that logic, though I have seen my own tune in the MP lobby before, and recently. Perhaps it was changed. Either way, thanks for the reply.

The “Not Available” message shows when it’s a tune you can’t download, that’s what the “available” part means. This applies to tunes that you make, tunes that other people make and don’t share, and stock tunes. If you have your own shared tune on your car everyone else in the lobby will see it because they can download it.

Idk if paints work the same way because I made a design for a GT car and used a downloaded vinyl which prevented me from sharing it, yet in lobbies I can see my name next to the “design by” section. I’m guessing it’s just a glitch, because I changed my gamertag sometime after making that design and I still see my old one there.

I stand corrected. Thanks for the response.