TUNERS - Put Your Name Here!

Ok so I thought I would start off a list where all those who tune cars can put there GT that
appears when searching for tunes.

I know there are various list of peoples individual tunes but searching through all of the various posts can be frustrating (especially on an iphone!) so i thought a simple list compiling everyones GT would help.

So next time you have a car you want tuning you can search one of the gamer tags below and see if they have a tune available for your chosen car.

Then if you like the tune you can “follow” them. This should make things easier for those looking for tunes and also build a bigger fan base for the guys who put the tunes together.

\\\If you could also say what type of tunes you do, drift, speed, grip etc etc…////

I know of a few already, to get the list going:

GSW Knucklehead
TG Wormburner
Tuned By Worm
TN Eagle

Reaper Mech
ONR RoadRunner

If Im considered a tuner around here lol :slight_smile:

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I tune cars.
OGR Moss

Thanks for the mention! Here are a few more:

I 1ee I
Clay in LA
Mr Fade
PTG guys (they have a link in the forums)
IRT Swerve

I’ll add more as I think of them.

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@ oDs45 you can just put my GT up there instead of the shop name thanks , i wish i had thought of this first lol

No problem mate, I have changed it to your GT.

Great response to this so far guys!

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My brother and I have some top 100 tunes for C and B. So, I guess we are tuners… lol

SmG Krawler
SmG Caustic

Description: SmG

I tune mostly b,a for racing i have a good variety, there good enough for top 100,200 leaderboard with the right car of course.

Chris EK9
OGR Moss
chunky br0ther
PTG Claret
Tsuka joe1
Sharknose 51
Gaz 0x

Here is a few more worth mentioning.

Check it out

All I do is tune cars for lap times. I’m pretty good at it. I’ll put in about an hours worth of work on each car. My tunes are awesome because they aren’t track specific. You can race on any track. I tune for alllllll classes.

GT: Geministorm2

I’m mostly interested in tuning cars I like, classes D - A and more grip oriented but I especially work towards a well mannered car that responds dependably.
I use the Thrustmaster Tx to drive/test, so not sure how that translates to the controllers in FM5, wasn’t always comparable with previous FMs.

Yes, I tune. Mostly C and B Class in this game so far, but I’m ramping up the work rate.

A quick list of my top tuners

TN Eagle
TG Wormburner
TG Takumi
Ank 1
Agm Davide
Ta7 i trillium
Ta7 i schiwo
Lmr dub soljah
Onr roadrunner
Tuned by worm
Emw paul
Tx3 nikolai

Theres loads more that i generally go to if im looking for really good car setups but its just to many to mention.

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Ta7 i schiwo - BDR SCHIWO now

yes there are a lot more great tuners

TPR Zermatt
BDR Highlander
BDR Dangerman
ONR Chronic
ONR Stealth
ONR Lowrider
oo 3x oo
MLR Tachyon
MLR Grizzly
PTG Claret
V12 Braveheart
V12 TN Eagle

aaaand a lot more.

Impresive list so far. I didnt see the following mentioned

ECT Loco Ubog
o2R Angus 3
iHOBO xx


First of all, I think people use the word “tuning” and “upgrade” interchangeably. An upgrade consists of changing the stock parts in your vehicle, such as headers, spoiler, tires, rims etc… Tuning is the art of “tweaking” those parts so that your vehicle performs to the best of its ability when COUPLED with your driving style.

I upgrade all of the vehicles that I use regularly. And I have started tuning them recently for better or worse. LOL. So, yes, I am a tuner. Check for my gamer tag. I share all my upgrades, tunes and my god-awful paint jobs (LOL) as well.

Hi Guys and Gals :slight_smile:
Most of the tuners I like and use have already been mentioned. So a quick bit of self promotion :wink:

I tune anything I like to drive in game, be it leader board material or not.
All tunes are made to be used at a wide variety of tracks in either career or online races, unless I say different in the description.
I tune cars for drivability no assists (apart from steering on “normal”) and usually are grip or grip biased. I do have a couple of speed tunes up and these are clearly labelled as such.
Likewise I will mention if the car is not running forza aero, (some cars I just don’t like to put it on for purely aesthetic reasons).
My turnover isn’t high, I only put up tunes once both myself and one or more of my friends drive them on a variety of tracks (if not track specific), and their feedback is positive.