Why can’t the devs just tell us how the system works? All I want is to sell some cars I’ve collected from the forzathon shop for a couple million(thoes cars you can’t buy in the auto show should be more then they say)but I have to do all this?
I think there should be a reward for painters and tuners because it takes a long time to make cool designs(maybe they can have any car worth whatever they want then the exclusive and rare cars can be 10 million?)the more I learn about how to level up and stuff like that the more and more it confuses me and basically everyone else…after reading all this I made a quick tune for a car and shared it so I have 1 tune shared(0 downloads)and I’m level 2 tuner(probably what it take to get level 2:joy:)but where does it say to get level 3? 4? 5? No where it’s a mystery
Your Level does not directly correlate to your ability to sell cars at Legendary prices (up to $20 mil). It is purely based on number of Downloads + Uses + Likes. You need 50,000 total as either a tuner or a painter. The game only tracks your number of downloads in your creative hub, so if you want to know where you are in relation to 50,000 total you need to manually keep track through the messages you receive each day to track how many uses and likes in addition to downloads total you have.
They have addressed this:
I Asked Support, and this is the reply i got:
As for the higher AH prices - you need to unlock higher tiers of tuner or painter status.
Here are the thresholds for user UGC level for tunes and liveries:
The threshold number here is the sum of downloads, likes, and uses for all of a user’s liveries or tunes.
But downloads i can see on my ‘Community Hub’ but how can i see uses?
Also, when looking at the online list of players, some have a crown with 3 dots, some without the 3 dots, and some have both the crown, and some other badge, is this when you reach legendary? witch one?
For liveries, you can see individual uses and likes from My Designs menu by going through individual liveries. Alternatively, you can manually go through daily payouts messages and calculate the sum there.
In terms of AH limits, Elite status gives you +500K to regular prices limit (car has to have your tune/livery on it), while Legendary raises the limit all the way to 20M.
There’s no badge for legendary (or any other visual indication). Crowns and badges you see are for VIP, Ultimate VIP and, most probably, being part of the club and being leader of the club.
I hope they fix it soon because I could be making money
Leveling up tuning wise works in a simple way, The more people that like your tune the higher you level up. Also the more downloads you get consecutively after it every tune from each of your custom tunes will boost your level as well.
Not sure if someone answered this but it’s the same as FH3.
It’s 50,000 Downloads, Uses, & Likes together
(Either 50k for tuners or 50k for painters)
*** Does not include you vinyl stickers, I found out the hard way back in fh3 ***