Trucks in a coupe/sedan race?

Or, I want those (insert banned word here) the developers are taking. Must be some gooooood stuff! How could you ever in a sober mind, dream up a race that pits high end sedans and coupes in a race that includes semi trucks? It just isn’t logical in any situation. And especially to have the trucks being the front runners.

Yeah, modern, built for racing, trucks are fast. I will grant that. But anyone with a little knowledge of racing and physics can see where a modern, built for performance, sports sedan or coupe is going to be faster around a corner than a truck.

It would be a little nicer if they would try to balance the game somewhat. But I doubt that will ever happen. Maybe somewhere around FH18 when some of the developers start to get their drivers licenses.

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Oversight. Next update they’ll make sure the Peels in there too.


The seer has spoken! :+1:

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Has been always this way. Also this was a thing in FH4 as well. Its not something new, not even closer.

Are you referring to the Mercedes seasonal championship?

You can smash some poor chap’s garden, overturn some lady’s flower cart without drawing any police attention but a semi-truck in a car race is our first exhibit that the developer’s decision making process is fueled by psychedelics? I dunno.

It doesn’t bother me tbh. Much of Horizon is satirical.

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it’s called arcade racing. if you don’t want to race against toy cars, trucks, pizza delivery cars etc. Horizon is probably not your game.

The trucks add an element of bashing to the race, and a change in a race like that gives you a break from repeated gameplay.

Trucks are cool. I want them to add the DAF Turbo Twin. It’s something else watching that thing tearing past cars like this Peugeot in the Dakar.


Yeah that’s a nice truck! Would be cool in FH5.

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I don’t find much point in those other things either. Just biding my time until something better comes along. Hoping the developers will turn to more race oriented gaming somewhere down the line.