Track Specific Tuning

Need advice!

So…I feel as long as you have a good tune any car can be semi competitive on Lobbies. I’m no master at tuning but I am learning, or the FM5 storefront leads me to believe as I am starting to get downloads on some of my tunes. And earning some nice CR bonuses whilst doing so :slight_smile:

However, I’m still looking for the killer tune, just for me to use (or should I say Tunes?) I’m starting to build track specific tunes for one car, this should allow me to use one car on most tracks but I need some help.

How do you figure if you have a good tune besides it feeling awesome to drive? example; I have a BMW 1M in C Class that is a wonder to drive but I take it online and…I get smashed by the other players, its slow as hell. Do you guys go by the leader-board cars? I don’t want a Leader-board car as such, I want something outside the box but still has the potential to win races on Lobbies. Should I be setting a benchmark of say times within the 1% on leader boards or a little higher? Say top 10,000 times?

Or is there other ways you can tune to know you have a quick car?

More importantly how do you choose which upgrades you slap on the car, I know if you want grip that it’s just a case of putting Aero, Handling and Tires on but never been good at doing speed cars?

Thanks in advance for the help!

If there’s anyone out there who would like to check some of my tunes and see where I’m going wrong I would welcome the feedback. My GT is TOMWHITTY and some of the tunes I have are;

Chevy Camaro Z28 (non DLC one, sorry can’t remember the year) - C Class
Lancia 037 - C Class
Lancia Delta - C Class
Nissan Skyline GTR 1970 - C Class (WORKING PROGRESS)

Top 1% is a bad gage on how good a tune may be. Top 1% on a track with 2 million times doesn’t carry the same weight as top 1% on a track with 50,000 times.

Barely cracking top 10,000 is very slow if the idea is to be competitive online. FM5 online is a lot slower than other forzas so you should do decently if you’re running top 5,000 times. As a reference, in other forzas, if I wasn’t running top 2,000 times I knew I’d be having a difficult time.

A car should have somewhat of a wild side if you want it to be fast. There are exceptions like the 97 civic and mini, but usually C class cars are running minimal handling and as much acceleration as possible. Through tuning you then make the car somewhat stable/predictable.

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+1 on Swerve’s advice!

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Thanks for the advice, I was away from the Xbox when writing this and quickly realised when I got back on Forza that top 10,000 nevermind 1% isn’t impressive at all as most of my best laps where in the top 1-2000 times with relatively slow tunes so I’m probably going to be aiming for around the 500 mark, at which point I know I will have a monster tune.

i generally have at least 5 tunes for each car. some tunes that are track specific work on other tracks. i had a Ford GT in FM4 that had 12 tunes. but i ran it in 2 classes. ive never been able to hit on a tune that just works everywhere. if for no other reason than the final drive gears, And as far as feeling good about being top 1%. hell, im thrilled with it. im very inconsistent. im working on that tho