My plan is to have a competitive, track specific lobby tuned car for each environment and track. I’m not looking for unlocked tunes and I don’t want leaderboard cars.
Here is what I propose:
If you have a competitive lobby tune that is track specific, make sure it is in your storefront and post here to tell me what it is. I will buy it from your storefront and run it to see if it works for me. If it does I will gift you a car of your choice that is 1 Million credits or less (no unicorns or special Turn 10 livery cars). If your tune becomes my final choice and is added to the spreadsheet, I will gift you a car of your choice. This can be any car in the game (no unicorns or special Turn 10 livery cars).
Please be patient and understand that it might take time to test all the submitted cars/tunes before I can make my final choices.
Once I have completed the spreadsheet, I will post it and make it available to everyone.
I will then start at the top and begin creating my own tunes and race liveries for the cars. This will add a lot of game play to FM4 for me while I create a garage full of Lobby Cars suited to my personal driving style.
If you have any questions, please ask them and I will try to answer them as quickly as possible.
There’s really no such thing as a “track specific lobby tune.” Lobby tunes aren’t trying to be the fastest thing, they usually try to be quick enough to win, maybe interesting, and stay general so they can be used across multiple tracks and track layouts.
A track specific tune is one that was obviously fine tuned to be fast on a track, but once it failed someone tried to cop out by claiming it as a “lobby tune.”
Also, by saying “works best for me” I’m assuming you mean gets you the most wins. And that will the fastest, not the funnest, most interesting, or the one that works best on most tracks…
So, not to be mean, but I basically read your thread as saying “give me the best of the worst.” If its the fastest on a specific track you’re looking for I’d say that’s an LB tune.
I have several of my own track specific lobby tunes. They are tunes that are not leaderboard cars but tuned just as I would a leaderboard car, except with more stability.
I use cars that I enjoy driving, that are not leaderboard cars but can usually run within 5-10 seconds of my leaderboard time on any given track.
I know there are cars preferred for lobbies and therefore tuned to perform in lobbies. That’s what I am looking for, and not so much the tune as the car. The building and tuning I will do anyway once I know the best cars to use, the tracks to use them on and the class they do best in.
Maybe you’re right, and nobody will post, and that’s cool. However, in an attempt to liven up the FM4 part of these forums, redistribute some wealth and ultimately extend my gameplay and enjoyment in FM4, I will remain hopeful.
Thanks though. I’m sure you are just trying to temper my expectations and I appreciate it.
OBTW I am not asking to be GIVEN anything. I will buy the tunes at full price in the storefront. Those that are legit will also get a car worth 1million credits.
Anyway. I am not even planning to test the cars in races. I will just be driving some laps to get an idea of handling, stability and general lap time. You know as well as I do that what works for one person may not even be close for someone else. I AM NOT looking for how many wins it will get. Like I said above, I plan to do the build and tune myself anyway. I just have to be sure people are not intentionally feeding me garbage just to get free expensive cars.
To the mod or admin who did it, Thank You for moving this thread to where it belongs. I’m still a little behind the curve on posting in the new forums from my IPhone.
OK, it just sounds odd; to me asking for a track specific lobby tune is like asking for a “general LB tune.”
To ME, it doesn’t matter if a tune or car (or tuner! ) isn’t in the top 100 or not to have the leaderboad designation. Someone could take the worst car possible for a track, place 17,000 on the leaderboards and as long as they’re focused on one track and tuning for it, its still an LB tune. But I can see where you got the association between “top 100” and “leaderboards” from.
When doing a track specific tune its always a balance between maneuverability and stability. The less your tires lose traction the better, but you still want it to be responsive enough to zigzag where you want it to. If you tune too much towards stability it will cease to be optimized towards that track, and generally a stable tune will be fine on a multitude of tracks as well, so its no longer specific.
The last major thing is tuning the gears, for track specific you’re no longer looking at optimal shifts in regards to powerband, but also making sure it doesn’t get in the way of driving that track. So if for example you’re coming out of a tight corner and having to shift half way out of it or risk bogging in a higher gear you’ll adjust. This is all about getting the optimal acceleration around this specific track.
There’s no problem with track specific gears at all, but usually once someone realizes a car isn’t worth bothering with, and especially if its made more stable for lobby duty (consistency and ability to weave through traffic > taking a corner .1 seconds faster on the edge of traction) they’ll make the gears less specific so it can be used on more tracks. Normally the only characteristic is whether its for short or long tracks.
So I hope that makes sense, in all likelyhood a track specific lobby tune would only have gears tuned a specific way, and even that’s unlikely.
Btw when it comes to driving habits (what works well for one, not the other) is hard to tune for. Alot of people can’t even explain what it is they’re looking for, others want to do some really weird things (" hi! I like to press the gas AND brake at the same time going around corners, can you make it do one thing when I brake, the opposite when I accelerate, and everything in between when I hit both? Thanks! ") .
The problem is once you claim a tune doesn’t work for you, people just tend to blame you for not adapting, not vise versa. :-\
I think if you held a tuning contest for each track and class that interests you itd be alot more popular. Plus it might give people something to do. Layout your likes and preferences and go from there. You wouldn’t need millions of credits for prize money either…
Just an idea, I’m not trying to poopoo your thread or tell you what to do or anything.
No, I really do think you are just trolling this thread to be difficult. If you don’t want to contribute, don’t contribute.
What I am trying to do isn’t rocket science and doesn’t require your analysis. It certainly doesn’t require your negativity and twisting of what I said.
I didn’t say I wanted Leaderboard tunes OR Top 100 tunes and it isn’t me who is confused about that, it’s you.
I have been patient with your trolling up to this point, but seriously, it’s time for you to focus your efforts elsewhere.
No hard feelings, this thread just isn’t for you.
I’m just trying to explain something and offer constructive ideas on how to get what you want (contest).
But please, if you want to ask for a specific non specific tune for a specific track and layout not specified and an unknown class so that you can draw on it, then be my guest, I’m sure it will very popular! (THAT’S trolling by the way)
Any class is fine, but I prefer A Class and below.
I’m not looking to even use the tunes, except to determine the cars ability to be competitive on a particular track. As you know, there are certain cars that, when tuned properly, seem to excel on a certain type of track. I’m looking for cars that I know people have had success with on a particular track. I plan to do the builds and tunes myself. I could continue trying each car, in each class on each track and I might finish before I die. This is merely an attempt to aid the culling process.
I have not done enough online racing to be competent, let alone competitive. The way I improve is by building track and class specific cars and running them/ tuning them until I have the car, class and track memorized. Compiling this spreadsheet is just a learning aid.
If your interested… I have a E-class tune for the Honda Fit on my storefront. This car is built for Nurburgring GP circuit and Mugello. Personally, I feel very comfortable with this car. I’ve raced her in the lobby 6 times, winning 2. I like to think the car is very competitive but I would like to know what others out there might feel.
Also on my storefront, I have a tune for the Mercedes SL65 A-class. She’s built for Top Gear and Sebring. Car feels very grippy and confident in exiting corners when smashing the gas.
I had a busy day today, so wasn’t able to pick up your tunes yet, but I will get them shortly and give them a go tomorrow. Let me know which 2 cars you would like, and send me a friends request so I can get them to you. Also let me know which 2 cars you would like if your tunes fit my needs. Thanks for your input.
New on my storefront is a C425 Acura RSX tune… Just finished 20 some laps at Benchmark. Haven’t yet raced her in the lobby’s but will get her out there hopefully next couple days. On the Benchmark Type C oval she did a 43.47lap (uncertified) Car is just neutral enough with a tad bit of understeer going hard into corners.
Update: The tune for the SL65 is no longer there. I erased it and now instead have in its place a confident tune for a A-class Aston Martin Vantage V12.
I have 2 versions of a D class Lotus Cortina that did pretty good on the Ladera tracks on my storefront for free . There is also a C class version but I think the D350 is better.
Hippie, let me know what car and track you want and I will try and build something and see what i come up with and gift it to you.
I do however like khronokai’s idea of a tuning comp. Specify a track and class, or just specify the class and note its non-lb cars and tell them when submitting the car to specify what track it was tuned on so u can try it. The first way the fastest lap time a test driver (yourself or whomever you choose, I would volunteer btw.) the second way, you try their tune where they tuned it and declare the winner as the one you like the best. I know the second way is a bit more biased, but it may also get you more data that you are looking for.
Thanks guys. I didn’t want to make this a contest as I am only looking for competitive lobby cars, not leaderboard cars. Just a kind of reference to help me, and others, choose cars to tune for specific lobby tracks.
I know that I have several cars tuned for specific track/class that I enjoy using online. They usually have more aero and better grip than if I had tuned them for just hot lapping because I prefer a more stable car in multiplayer races.
I just thought other people might have go to cars they prefer on certain tracks and that I could compile a spreadsheet to help myself and others set up a garage of decent, fun online cars that may not always win, but are capable of winning occasionally with a decent build/tune and a little luck.
P.s. I owe burlngam and deeps again each 2 cars worth 1 million credits each and one car each of your choice. Please send me a PM with the cars you would like. And a FR if you have not already done so.