This week's Porsche League not accessible

I’ve been trying to get into the Porsche League since it opened yesterday but to no avail. Is this being looked into and being addressed?

UPDATE (IT’S NOW WEDNESDAY) To get into the Lobby there has to be at least one or more other persons trying to join at the same time you are. I’ve gotten into a lobby with two or more other persons and they all seem to be doing the same: trying to select and upgrade the car the game recommends. You select OK to the upgrade, process the upgrade and you get a message that the car is illegal and you proceed to downgrade it and you get a must upgrade message and this continues to perpetuity or until you get a buzzing sound just before you crash. There was another scenario in which I landed in a lobby with the car already selected and I did nothing at all, just observe the other two participants trying to upgraded their cars. They spewed out a good few colorful expletives about the quality of work done by the Studio regarding this, then they were gone and I was left all by my lonesome only to eventually egress after waiting to see if any other players would join. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP - I REALLY ENJOY THE FACT THAT THERE ARE SO FEW PEOPLE PLAYING THE PORSCHE LEAGUES AND IT’S LESS OF A CRASHFEST!!!

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What message are you getting when trying to play?

Initially when I selected the car for upgrade, it wouldn’t let you upgrade and kept cycling through that process and eventually a buzzing sound would ensue then the game would crash. When you are able to get into the lobby with an upgraded car, the game will not start at all. Other people who have joined in just spew expletives and eventually leave. The highest score on the leaderboards for I saw was 1300 that means everyone is having this issue and I’m very surprised this has not yet been fixed it being Wednesday and all. We need to race the Porsche league as we paid a high price for this privilege.

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I’ve never been able to access the Porsche leagues. Don’t know why. I do own the DLC, but for some reason it never connects. Personally I don’t get any error message, it just pops me back to the leagues screen.

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The car selection mechanism is messed up too. It keeps saying the rules have changed, you need to pick a new car. Then you pick a car, and it says it is illegal because of upgrades. So you revert it to stock, and it still won’t let you use it. Then when the track changes, sometimes it works to select a car. It’s a big mess and is probably turning people off in droves. That might be why the Porsche leagues are so deserted.

maybe no ones in it.

So, this is what happened to me today. I entered the lobby and the car class was R, ok, I picked my FLM GT3 RSR. Others entered the lobby and it seemed to randomize everything, the track and the car class and it told me to pick another car. I picked my 914 and upgraded it to D400, which was the new class, the game told me it was illegal because of the restrictions and needed to be stock. Ok, a stock 914 is E class. Not eligible, and there are NO D CLASS PORSCHES TO CHOOSE FROM!!! So everyone just sat there until it was obvious the game wasn’t going to start. Lame.

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Is everyone still having issues? It’s pretty upsetting that I paid a good amount for this Porsche expansion pack and the part I want most is unavailable. Since downloading the pack I have not been able to get into a league race once. Not even once! Most of the time I can’t even get into a lobby. The one or two times I was able to join a lobby it never started a race. This is very frustrating imo. I know I can’t be the only person trying to play in a league. Even if I was it should open a lobby with just me so that a lobby is open. I actually really enjoy the track that was included but since 90% of my gameplay is league racing the track is useless for the most part since it doesn’t come up in the non Porsche leagues. The pitiful track rotation in leagues is a whole different animal that IMO needs to be fixed ASAP but I am not going to get started on that here. That deserves its own thread. Can anyone let me know what is going on with the Porsche leagues? What is the point of creating a new league each week when no one can even race in it? Has turn 10 addressed this issue at all? Have they commented on the issue and any plans they have to fix it?

Trying to join right now. If I go to the “go race” tab and select leagues I can join the ghost league and spec league no problem. When I try to join the Porsche league I get a pop up that is titled “joining lobby” and the message says “You are not the lobby host.” Which then sends me back to the league selection menu. If I go to the Porsche tab and select the league it shows that the league is open but when I try to join it just sits there trying to load but it never ends until I manually back out. What’s going on turn 10? This NEEDS to be fixed and in the meantime you should at least let the community know what is going on. If you can’t fix the issue then our money should be refunded. Personally I think we should get a refund already since it hasn’t worked at all or give us the next couple months of car packs for free. While I’m daydreaming you should offer VIR as a separate download for something like $5. That way people who don’t want the Porsche cars or can’t afford the pack can at least get the track. This would also allow way more people to race the track in leagues.

Yesterday I wanted to give my first Porsche league a go since I didn’t play them yet since I got the expansion. But I couldn’t join the lobby either, it seemed to time out with a message that the lobby didn’t exist or something. So much for that…

Porsche events are almost always empty when I try and that’s sometimes during primetime NA hours.


Sorry there seems to be issues. I am looking into it now. I was out of the office all week. I did test it before I left so it must be a mixed up setting. Hang tight.

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Looks like the issue will take some digging to see what the issue was. In the mean time I’ve pulled it down and put up a 911 League. Hopefully I can sort out the issue and we can try the cycled League again in the future.


That would be nice, cycled Porsches sounded fun - at least if I understand correctly what it was ment to do. I think every race the allowed car changed to one of the 20 Porsche cars but you would need to use the stock settings (no upgrades, no tune)?

Thank you for the attention! Good luck on finding the root cause.

I will love this when it gets fixed. I look everyday and it is Green OPEN but nothing there to race. It has been broken for me since the Porsche pack release but I was busy with Trofeo.

Very happy to see a response and even happier that you are taking action and trying to fix it. Good luck getting it fixed and thank you.

It took a week to fix but the Porsche League is back up and running great again. I like this league cause there are so few people racing in it, you can get a crash free race in every naw and then.

Glad it’s working for you. I still have not gotten into a porsche league. Very frustrating.