Current weekend league

Hi all,
just random thoughts…

I was playing this weekend league almost since the begining, for quite a lot and some things are bothering me:

A, Where I can find the schedule for league ? I mean, other source than ingame. Because, I was away from home and was googling the league schedule, well, without any success.
B, This league is for 6 cars - 2 from audi, 2 bmw, 1 mercedes and 1 ford - why people keep racing in Lotus, VW, Pontiac or Huinday ?! It does not make any sense
C, old thing - corner cutting, ramming - I hope, that you will introduce penalty system
D, there´s a lot of DC during races, or de-sync in lobby. Worst thing is, that when I get disconnected from race, I am unable to join, because I will get the multiplayer error saying, that “cant get server data” or stuff like that. Couple of weeks ago, there was “solution” for this issue - play one random race from carrer and multiplayer will work again - but not anymore. Looks like you need to do more fixing. Because its really annoying to not be able switch leagues or join back after random disconection (while internet is still working)

But I would really, really like to know, why people are allowed to race with different cars in league made for specific cars

  1. Are you talking about the Ultimate SpoCom weekend league? All cars from the Ultimate SpoCom are eligible to enter, I don’t know why you would think it’s only Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Ford.

  2. It’s Hyundai :slight_smile: and it absolutely rocks in that league as you can see from the screenshot below. :slight_smile: I got my tune shared as well, find it under gamertag Breyzipp if you want to give it a try.

I hope Turn10 decides to add more filters to the car screens. There’s no in-game resource to know which cars are Ultimate SpoCom, Historic muscle cars, etc. Like the Op said, when you go to rent/buy car from the League screen, it doesn’t show them all. I’ve read that you can go to Stories of Motorsport in career mode but that didn’t seem to help me. Then I googled and found a couple sites. All of this was after I went and bought an Audi TT even though I already had a genesis :smiley:

Offtopic, this league has been very fun and competitive.

This is my biggest gripe. T10 did a lot to combat with new tire barriers, but Yas is still a nightmare. Earlier today, it came up in a 15+ full lobby and everyone bailed except for me and 5 others. I figured I needed it for around the world. End result = I was dead last with 100% of the other players passing me in the chicanes off track. I was the only one with a clean lap time at the end of the race.

How hard can it be to add time/results placement to the results if you go all 4 wheels off track with no immediate preceding collision on track. If people coming in 1st suddenly found themselves demoted a few spots at the end it would likely make a difference.