Things to change about the new Multiclass events

First and foremost, I’m loving this. Everyone is surprisingly courteous, letting faster cars through and generally they don’t get in each others way. However, LMP2 is slightly too quick when compared against Hypercars (Proto-H), I find that I’m racing against the hypercars far too often in LMP2.

My suggestion for the endurance series would be:

• Lower the performance of P2’s ever so slightly.

• Or add a roll off delay like they do in real life and like is done in ABCs.

• Add the rolling start feature combined with the delay, if possible.

It would stop these weird off the line scrambles, where the GTs get off the line better than the LMP2’s, the LMP2’s get off the line better than the Hypercars, and the Hypercars get the worst starts overall.

For ABCs I have one suggestion.

• Force 1 pitstop for all drivers, which would stop people from driving on stock to sport tyres from winning every race, it’s annoying and boring.

For both ABCs and Endurance series, or all Multiclass in general.

• Players should NOT have free reign over what class they’re in, it makes some more heavily dominated than others. Therefore, I think a percentage based system that indicates what group you’re in upon joining the next lobby should be implemented in some way, especially since we join new servers after every race now. IE, ABCs, each group is 25%, the group your given the percentage goes down and the others go up, (A, B, C 30%, S 10%) once all groups have been used, it resets back to default and the cycle continues. That or just rotate between lobbies and exclude the classes just used until it resets once all are used.

Other than that, good job. This is the best update so far, we’re on our way to having Forza Motorsport back!

  • Rolling starts
  • Lap-based races instead of timed (with any DNF drivers scored by distance travelled as a tiebreaker)
  • Minimum of 1 pitstop
  • Fastest groups at front of grid
  • Variable weather

Those are my suggestions.


Fastest cars at the front works fine for the endurance as that’s realistic and how it is, for ABCs, it’s always been faster car starts last, adds an extra element of racing having to weave through the slower field

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I personally would prefer 2 classes only (endurance series). ProtoH and GT, 12 cars apiece.

Also, I don’t mean to make the game more punitive but something has to be done about the DNF. People leaving within the first 5mins of a 1 hour race…

And while I’m at it… This “time based” system doesn’t show laptimes which is a problem for me to establish/maintain/manage pace. Last 5 lap times and personal best should always be on display.

Finally… When entering the pits, the standings should be visible, especially on the left side of the screen which is empty.


You can’t force people to play.

I believe there’s a sizeable Safety/Skill penalty for quitting early, which impacts matchmaking (in theory).

What I would like to see is what games like GRID Legends and F1 24 do, in which when somebody quits, AI takes over.

In GRID Legends, if you join a lobby mid-race you can essentially “Agent Smith” one of the AI drivers and play as that car from then on.


Maybe force them NOT to play then? Grey the whole Featured MP for X minutes when you DNF that way.

Obviously this is ridiculous and should’nt be implemented but I’m already in the S499X territory so I’d like to believe people I face online are similarly skilled and invested. It’s not just a few DNFs I’m talking about, it’s like 80% of the grid. I can’t be the only one experiencing this.

There’s a reason most Forza races have historically been 8 minutes long in past games, it’s because this playerbase doesn’t have the patience for longer races, especially when they’re not winning.


60 min is asking for trouble imo.

I want to do the enduro races but I don’t have an hour plus to invest in one race. Time is tight and when you get a few min to grab some racing, you gotta prioritise.

Also, how do you keep people motivated to stick around when they’re 20 min into a 1 hour race and already miles off the pace? What incentive is there to keep plodding around?

Forza GT on Fm4 was a great multiclass lobby. They should be looking to bring something like that back with say a 15 min race length.


I don’t mind the inclusion for LMP2, but I do get what you mean. Thankfully the rest for the month are two groups only. The only one I’m baffled on is LMP2 and TCs racing together, I think it’s P2 any way, it’s very random.

I agree with the distance too. I don’t mind it being by distance, but it would be nice to see underneath the distance travelled what lap times we’re doing. I noticed my pace on the hards in P2 is astronomically low compared to medium and soft stints, so much so it ruined my substantial lead at Sebring.

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I felt the same way, it’s kinda like driving blind after being used to “driving by the lap count” when it comes to the tyre wear. You knew your goal was 8 laps on the hards or something.

Takes some getting used to with the current system but additional info wouldn’t hurt.


Maybe double the credits/XP when you complete a long/endurance race?
Not saying that it would work because I still don’t know who that game is for and it seems that T10 is figuring it out on the fly.


It would be nice. I don’t want to compare it, nor do I know if they still do it, but back in the day on Gran Turismo, the Indy 500 event for example you’d get like $1m for completing it. The endurance series does need incentive to fully finish it, I agree. Bring back wheelspins maybe and you get special ones like on horizon where it spins 3 at once, and you get a few of them for completing it.

Maybe add an online points system like in the career mode and you’re able to unlock new cars to the game, similar to how Horizon manages their weekly cars. The game just feels empty and doesn’t really have a goal. With FM7, you’d earn rewards after every level up and receive a car or money. On this your just racing for the sake of it, it’s trying too hard to be a legit racing sim like Iracing what with it’s driver ratings. I’m not complaining too much about it, it’s certainly less punty than previous entries as it’s weeded out most of the casual and unserious players, but it just needs more content to keep us playing the game.

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I really liked how the ABCs worked in FM7.

  • Slowest at the front, fastest at the rear.
  • Timer designed for each track to try to achieve a close finish. Meaning any good driver in any class has a good chance of winning
  • Random class selection. It was nice having some variety and being forced into a car class for just that race.

1st thing I’d recommend is to stop with the race overlap. the player poll is split up too muc as it is and endurance, there are 4 race events running concurrently with not enough time to jump into the 5th before it closes. That splits the playerbase 5 ways for that hopper.

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Yes, thanks! :pray:t2: It’s a good job you said that, completely forgot that we have free reign over what class we’re in and I hate that, it makes some groups pointless to be in. I’ve yet to see more than 3 or 4 people in C class as what’s the point if you can go in the faster groups!

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I agree, I wonder if it would fix it by having two or three races of the same location on at one time, that way one can be the standard 15-20 min wait, the next can be slightly over an hour wait and the next can be an hour and twenty ish minute wait, I’ve yet to do half the tracks in the endurance series because it’s nearly at the beginning of the cycle again after the race is over.

This is on top of there about 10 active playlists to filter people through.

Linking to your thread on it because it’s a good observation: Too many concurent events (The problem is likely not what you think) - #3 by PJTierney

I want my laptime on screen

End of race should be over the line understand the reason for timed race but once the timer hits zero that your last lap also this should be the way practice/qualifying should end to


I get why they did the distance travelled, it’s to ensure that everyone finishes the race and ignores the end of race timer. But I do agree, much like qualifying in real life and other games, timed races should be once it hits zero and you cross the line, that’s the last lap. If you cross the line before zero then it’s still green racing, cross it after it hits zero end of race. As soon as the majority has crossed the line (or lead cars have finished and lapped cars cross the line) it ends and an end of race timer starts for those that are mucking about as I’ve come to see some people do, just doing donuts at the side of the track :man_facepalming:

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My guess the forzatec engine would need abit of code to get that to work but I think it would be a good investment