First and foremost, I’m loving this. Everyone is surprisingly courteous, letting faster cars through and generally they don’t get in each others way. However, LMP2 is slightly too quick when compared against Hypercars (Proto-H), I find that I’m racing against the hypercars far too often in LMP2.
My suggestion for the endurance series would be:
• Lower the performance of P2’s ever so slightly.
• Or add a roll off delay like they do in real life and like is done in ABCs.
• Add the rolling start feature combined with the delay, if possible.
It would stop these weird off the line scrambles, where the GTs get off the line better than the LMP2’s, the LMP2’s get off the line better than the Hypercars, and the Hypercars get the worst starts overall.
For ABCs I have one suggestion.
• Force 1 pitstop for all drivers, which would stop people from driving on stock to sport tyres from winning every race, it’s annoying and boring.
For both ABCs and Endurance series, or all Multiclass in general.
• Players should NOT have free reign over what class they’re in, it makes some more heavily dominated than others. Therefore, I think a percentage based system that indicates what group you’re in upon joining the next lobby should be implemented in some way, especially since we join new servers after every race now. IE, ABCs, each group is 25%, the group your given the percentage goes down and the others go up, (A, B, C 30%, S 10%) once all groups have been used, it resets back to default and the cycle continues. That or just rotate between lobbies and exclude the classes just used until it resets once all are used.
Other than that, good job. This is the best update so far, we’re on our way to having Forza Motorsport back!