The state of online

The state of online…

I can’t show the whole map in this one image but that’s everyone in my session. Me and one other. We are the only 2 remaining players in this whole game, down from 15 billion million at launch.

Map looks like this every week after the 1 hour worth of content each Thursday, absolutely nothing to do in this game anymore.


Yeah, it’s a shame this dynamic server map thing looks so empty of people.

FH4 still works fine and you can see everyone.


The dynamic server is just PG doing 1 of their favourite things, adding needless fluff and making something simple worse.

The social aspect of FH is vastly over-egged, in all but a few cases for me it’s either just players in the map going about their own business like myself or newbies coming over honking at you with some silly novelty horn.


Question: Did you just exit some sort of event, like the Trial, PGG, Tour, Online, Arcade or Eliminator?

I have noticed that some times, after you get dumped from these events, you might end up in one of these “dead lobbies” with one or a few other players… they will typically have also been in your race lobby w/ you too… At least, this is what I think is going on when this happens to me.

You might also try going into solo - then joining an online session again - I’ve done that a few times and gotten into a more lively lobby.

I was on last night, and had a lot of people in my lobby… more than usual I would say.
Could also just be bad luck that you’re in the next new lobby at non-peak hours so more people
drop from downstream lobbies than get put in yours. (their lobby system seems to work this way from what I’ve gleaned) It certainly does seem buggy and doesn’t re-aggregate players into lobbies that aren’t full, and I’m not sure I like that the over head map only shows you local players… half the fun in FH4 was loading in and watching the map for a few to figure out if something fun was going on.

Anyway, Anon, this is one of those things I’ve been trying to pay attention to myself because I have also been put in these dead lobbies… but can’t quite get it to happen frequently enough to get good data on it.

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I seem to have the opposite problem :smile:
I typically pull into this parking area (Cobra) when I’m checking online items & others players decided to join me so I took it as a photo op lol. I agree though, I get a lot of FNGs just honking at me

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My map has people. :man_shrugging:

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Funny you ask because yes I just came out of a 3 race championship against you guessed it 1 other player. After which point there was no one on the map so I toggled between solo and multiplayer, waited a few mins and this is what I saw.

It would be nice if they added a tab on the menu which listed everyone in your session and a button to change to a random near full lobby. Or just revert to what was used in FH4 be ause that worked well.

I resent that, I am not a newbie

No that wont work because the cars are licensed for a max of 4 yers meaning Horizon 4 will be delisted later this year.

Nice - yeah, I think this might be what happens for whatever reason - and this is exactly what happens to me when I leave a tour or online series… Everyone in that session if they leave at the end or during - seems to all get dumped into a lobby together but then it’s like no new people get added to it - like the session itself is locked or something. I did also see the same thing happen early on with Arcade lobbies too… The arcade would end, and the only people on the map were the people in the arcade event.

Yeah, I’d say the re-aggregator from the events isn’t working quire right and or isn’t being included as a spot that new players can be put into a lobby… like the game cannot see that lobby to add new players too.

Bummer that going solo and back doesn’t seem to work for you.
I’d say this is enough for another bug report - might be enough to give them a hint?

Good Luck Anon.