The horizon series is gradually getting worse

Well, they are not helping themselves by canceling Johniwanna’s streams on twitch, that’s for sure. Anyone know why they ended the streams?

Despite the map size being decent, this does feel like a step down for horizon 4 but not by much.

During some of those FH4 trials your videos actually kept me sane haha. I have had less trouble in 5 so far, but mostly due to blind luck.

Heavy rain off Road S1 or above is crazy, but the drag racing for me really shows off what you and others are saying about the tweaking mechanics. It’s like a power band-aid. In most of the modes I am okay and am lucky to be brisk enough to compete, but it needs some tweaking for sure. It can’t be that in one race you run a top 500 time and win easily but another you go top 300 range and get smoked on the same route because of how the ai decides to awkwardly tune itself.


Some people just complain without even trying. Like Bone Shaker. I just pick a car, go AWD and tune for acceleration and grip. I beat the guy using Bone Shaker using one of the small old car. It will be rather hilarious when I show you the car name.

Most of my A800 tunes are AWD.

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i disagree vehemently. outside of fh2, which i thought was sorta junk, i’ve liked every game more than the game that came before it.

if there’s one major criticism i have, it’s that the online challenges in fh1 were some of the most fun i’ve had in the series and i wish they brought them back.

Feels like Playground Games is giving up. Kinda like when you get ghosted in a relationship. I’m a betting man and I bet this is the final Horizon title.


Don’t know if they gave up but they obviously have to less people for fixing bugs.
It should be the last FH title with this codebase because

IMHO they lost code-control at so many points

FH6 should be done with a new gameengine at all and all features reprogrammed from scratch…


IMHO - its the play testing. I get the distinct impression that this team doesn’t really “play” their game and that shows. I’ve literally watched Mike Brown stare slack jawed at the camera during a GO vid demoing the Super7 in FH4 where it spawns your car stuck between the guardrails at the drag strip… Yeah.

You can literally see it on his face “Oh great, I just demoed a bug to millions of viewers, thanks play testing team - I had no idea this was like this”.

…it was priceless.


That was priceless.

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… or the recent GO episode for Series 6 where Mike Brown tried and failed 3 times to drive up a ramp to collect a box, indicating that he didn’t even run through his tasks pre-stream and is also not an experienced FH player. It just oozes “I don’t really care about this game even though I’m the creative director”.


Kind of surprised they don’t just have such “demonstrations” scripted to just hit play and pretend they are using the controller. Maybe next time… :wink: Not that it always works flawlessly either lol.

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As the Lead - he’s supposed to delegate those tasks. It’s that the teams under him aren’t doing their jobs and leave him out to dry when its time to be the face of the franchise. Its the other people he has on with him that aren’t doing their jobs, and he isn’t holding them accountable for their mistakes and or being transparent about the real facts.

Look at his carefully couched response to the leader board issue which began with “unfortunately” and after that everything he said was just marketing speak. Because what that “unfortunately” really means in dev speak is “we have absolutely no way to know the difference between a cheater and a legitimate bug that causes a bad score” -except to investigate very single instance. And if they don’t have the manpower or time to fix 4 year old bugs from the previous game, not play test the current product adequately, then this “unfortunately” really means “ain’t nothing going to happen”.


Expansion idea: Oooh, You’re Blue- The Hold Your Breath Game. You can only breathe when a AI drivatar doesn’t defy physics, or a bug is fixed.
This weeks Super7 had 2 sideways car drops for me. I restarted, and both went thru about 90-100 degrees rotation randomly each restart. That has to be fixable


There are ways to test for blatant cheats, just not ways to test for 1 second advantage type cheats. If a player teleports to the finish line it’s easy to test for. A bug is still a bad score on the leader boards. If you are saying that people should be banned then it’s not actually required.

just a little funny something I just saw…

Playlist section Daily Challenges there is a countdown on each upcomming challenge.
And this countdown changes randomly between normal letters and italics letters all few seconds…

Im on PC btw

I guess its not a bug its a feature…

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It´s not completely random, it´s in italics when the last digit is 6 or 7, and for some weird reason, the numbers 9 and 59… :person_shrugging:

Kinda funny(sad?) that I´d rather stare at a timer than the message “An event is in progress - you will be able to join the next one”, only to be cast into the 2nd or 3rd race of an event…again. Or maybe it just says something about me :smile:

First post btw, long time lurker…hello, everyone! :raising_hand_man:


wow … maybe some hidden message :alien:

If it was any other game I’d say you’re onto something… but nah, in FH5 it’s just another random bug.

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FH4 was really the start of these games going casual. Instead of catering to the hardcore open racer fans, they’ve instead turned to the casual gamer. FH4 and FH5 are on gamepass, and gamepass is for casual gamers. That’s why we’ve lost the spirit of older FH games. FH3 felt like the peak of the FH franchise. FH5 is by no means a bad game, but it is definitely flawed. As for Forza going casual, PG is a company, and their goal is to make money. That’s the main goal of every company. And since the world has more casual gamers than hardcore open world racer fans, this is 100% a move to make more money.


Agreed on all points but the slight dig at gamepass gamers. We’re not all casual, at least not in the way that so many, perhaps not you, seem to mean it as an insult.


Not really a dig at you guys. Gamepass is just mainly targeted at casual gamers, even if there are people who aren’t fully casual using it. I’m referring to the target audience and it wasn’t meant to be an insult.