Game crashes when tuning, painting, switching series. How the heck did it make it out of QA?
I’m on Series X and after making a nice tune during Rivals I’m making screenshots with settings, since setup manager crashes game 1/4 of the time I try to save anything there.
Im on series x and it wont even start the game (gamepass download). Goes through the pic of the headlights then music plays quietly on a black screen with no response to any controller inputs. After that it freezea and goes back to home screen
It did this when i transferred horizon 5 from the one and corrupted my data making it unplayable on either console
I feel like giving up as this new motorsport is pretty much the reason i bought the console. Guess it doesnt like racing games.
Help! Tried deleting/reinstalling ,hard reset and unplugging…
I love the game but its annoying me when i finish a series and go onto next series when i buy a car it says adding car to garage and i get the spinning dots i leave it for 10 mins still doing same so only option is to quit game and load back up when i goto series its lost my save from last series and i have start again im on series X
I’m on XSX and fortunately haven’t had any crashes.
Spoke too soon. I’ve now had 3 crashes today all occured while changing tunes. Rip
PC player here, high end config, was fine the first week but this week… gosh, i made 6 multiplayer games in a row which all crashed or didn’t launch. And overall, crashing all over the place, give the game a reason or not, and it will crash.
I agree, since day one there is those issue, how did it made out of QA ? That’s a real question.