The devs are now listening to the community. What changes do they make?

The devs are now listening to the community in a parallel universe. What changes do they make to improve the game?

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  • 1 change per comment.
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  • Most liked comments are actioned first by the devs in a parallel universe and commenter is given a virtual award.
  • Special awards will be given to those that can’t follow these rules.

Special award list:

  • DamMe2006

Rework the Festival Playlist so it includes less items or requires less items. For instance, they could rotate the online modes they now feature every week.


Neural Network learning Ai like real players.



Festival Playlist - If you’re going to set a specific car to complete a challenge, at least have the stock class for that car. Having to increase the class from C class to A Class, just for a speed camera and a 25k cr reward is pathetic.

Even better would be by vehicle type only, even better than that would be to use anything you want to complete the challenges.


Keep the Festival Playlist as is but make it always work as advertised

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Make season / dailly challanges not included the eliminator.


All speed zones converted to drift zones.

Remove the festival playlist as it exists now, unlock all currently locked cars like in FM7 and have new cars added to the autoshow each week (can be claimed for free by doing a series of showcase challenges with the new car the week it is added).

If there’s additional weekly challenges beyond the new vehicle showcase, they award FP which can be used to purchase cosmetic items.


Dirt races are actually on dirt.


Fix open racing by adding ranked, adding C and D class, increase number of laps and number of races in a championship, enable a way to select what class and type of race you want, add a voting system at the end of a championship to vote on the next championship type and class, and move the Bone Shaker to S1 class where it belongs.


Allow importing garage from FH4

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As a counterpoint to this thread.

I’ve seen several posts from Max in recent days - I know Max has always done this in the past, in his Mod position - but now he’s officially staff for the team & passing information back to them.

Effectively the staff are listening and not in some parallel universe. In this one.

I have spent some time away from the forums in the last couple of years & it does seem that a lot of the other Mods are not as active as they were - not sure what’s going on there but a post like this would not have lasted long in days gone by. I can’t decide if this is a new stand offish moderator policy to allow more open conversation or I missed something since I last regularly checked out the forums.


They actually fix bugs.


Change the PR stunts back to how they were in Horizon 4 where you needed your fastest car. In most cases I knock out the PR stunts first time around in Horizon 5 without too much effort. In Horizon 4 it often took a few goes especially in Winter.

Yeah the reward for PR stunts is pretty miserable when you’ve just bought a tune that you may not use again. It was a triple wheelspin in Horizon 4.

Yeah I want C and D class in open racing. Us more mature racers can’t keep up with the young ones in S1 and S2 racing.

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At first i thought this post was serious lol. Lets hope they “listen” as “good” as they did in FH4… :stuck_out_tongue:

Only new addition cars to the game and remasters of Xbox 360 era models will be added to the playlist. And if the regular models that existed in the titles from FM5 to FH4 are added in the update, they will all be added to the auto show only, and will not require a playlist.
And those exclusive cars will be added to the auto show a few months after their release, and they will not punish players who fail to play those challenges.
We will also add and return many FEs and HSs, which will serve as prizes for “more challenging” players such as season/series 80% and trials.


I wan’t the “Special Award” thingy :smiley:

Stop hiding exclusive rewards behind online events and make sure these exclusive rewards are actually new.


Randomize the starting grid or make the starting grid based on previous points earned for all racers (not just the drivatars) in the Championships and Trials. As it is you are not just racing against Highly Skilled or Unbeatable drivatars. You are racing against the best of them with a bunch of blockers in between. If you come in second, you are still in the back with the 1st place guy at the front giving you an additional disadvantage to overcome. Randomized or more equitable starting position might make more people successful and happy to do these races.