The Current State of Multiplayer Lobbies

For the past week it has been nothing but teams of angry trolls ruining race after race, taunting people in chat and in message. It’s teams of them running wild and utterly unchecked. They willfully and easily ruin lobbies for dozens of people. All day yesterday it was the same thing over and over and over. Even with a Turn10 Admin in the lobby it continues. They all do this with impunity and ZERO fear of consequences - the lack of any useful or consistent banning gives them the confidence to completely drive away the players who enjoy this game.

Without a competent policing of these lobbies Turn10 has created nothing but a safe haven for these idiots. Their money might be as green as mine, but they certainly cannot be making the fruits of your labor something to be proud of.


I’m with you man, its rough.

Power in numbers, though. If more clean drivers banded together it wouldn’t be so bad – just need 12+ guys and the lobby’s yours. Problem is finding 11 other clean racers lol

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Sorry I know this is long, but I want to describe what I see going on. Right now they get an F grade. I’ve seen you in there RP, it’s just terrible. Almost every time I end up getting pushed into last place but sometimes get lucky especially if you get a clean lap and start up front where the drivers tend to be much cleaner. After a while you get better at getting around crashes and wrecks but it takes away from the racing having to navigate an obstacle course. People are so nervous when someone is next to them. Even an innocent mistake and you barely tap them and you will be wrecked because you can’t tell anyone’s intention. They cut corners, cut corners into other people, just drive into you on corners without braking, bash you when you drive next to them. It is very frustrating and not really fun. What I notice is there are a few people with multiple similar profiles going in there and wrecking people. I would get a video but it isn’t worth it since they will just come back under another name. I’ve blocked many but they can join off their friends and keep showing up. Just awful. Penalties needed very badly. There should be a teaching portion of the game that you are forced to play before entering a public hopper to explain proper racing etiquette. Some are just bad drivers, some don’t know what corner cutting is, some are just there to troll. It needs to stop in Forza 7. 24 to a lobby with varying skill levels is just not working. It has never been as bad as it is in Forza 6. I know 24 is nice but its just is not working due to a lack of any consequences or truskill matching. Getting 13 people to kick a player is no easy task especially when it does not say who the votes are going to. Reporting is good but not enough. It’s not going to make the lobby you are currently in better. You can go to another lobby but you will get some new people behaving badly. I see the same people everyday doing the same nonsense. It is too long a process and there are other ways to solve this within the game with things like penalties and a matchmaking system based on truskill. Otherwise like I have said it’s just a game of whack a mole. There are too many badly behaved people for reporting to work. We are completely outnumbered and it just goes on. GT Sport beta had a matching system based on sportsmanship and skill. At first it was rough but when people realized their rating would be affected by even in a single race, within a week it was super clean. I don’t want to hear it can’t be done, (it already has by Polyphony) and that reporting is the only thing we can do. It is you Turn 10 who needs to step it up and make the game more fair for all players or bring it down to 12 so it is manageable. I never had such problems in earlier Forza titles. You can continue to ignore the problem but that will not make it go away. A ghost lobby for each class would help as well like in H3. I’m happy to do that and never go into a collision race ever again. I know its not the same but it’s better than constant griefing. Why is it always only Intro C? Why can’t we have intro every class? How does intro C help people in other classes with no intro lobby. You can rotate it daily or weekly or just have one for every class. Please include all the tracks this time not just half and short tracks. It would give us a place to go while waiting for something to happen with those reported so we who want to play fairly can still actually play the game we started playing but had to stop because of all the wrecking. Wreckers wreck and have a great old time apparently but good racers get punished if they want to race. IMHO these are more important issues than DLC, Car packs and passes which seem to take up the majority of this forum and have been addressed ad nauseum. I don’t care about those things as much as a fair game.


^ Ditto…hell with more content , fix multiplayer help make clean racing, no crashers!!!

It’s been longer than a week. I get the impression that lobbies have been rough ever since launch.

You can get the occasional “clean lobby” but for the most part the griefers have carte blanche to do whatever they like with little to no repercussions. “There are no rules or penalties, so I’ll do whatever the hell I want” is the mindset that some of these players have, and so long as sportsmanship is a concept rather than something that is encouraged by features and tools it will continue.

Public Multiplayer racing cannot be saved for Forza Motorsport 6 as the game is nearing the end of its time as the most recent motorsport-focused title. Let’s hope that Forza Motorsport 7’s featureset rights these wrongs, or else we’ll spend another 2 years re-hashing the same story.


In addition, finding and open lobby is the first problem, once you do find one you get disconnected. Finally you get in a lobby and get rammed in to the wall asap! - See the frustration Turn 10, Do something about it!

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As long as T10 continue to rely on volunteers to police their games, it will never not be terrible (and this is not a slight on the tedious work Snowowl and others have done to help - if anything it’s an indictment that they have to be relied upon) . It’s improbable to get someone kicked from a lobby, because most people would rather leave that lobby to avoid “Moron X”. (this dovetails with the FM7 “Custom Public Lobbies” discussion in a way). FM6/7 cannot police a game of hundreds of thousands of players with two volunteer members of the Forza Forums (that only a small percentage know about). T10 reliance on the few volunteers is abhorrently unfair to the volunteers as well as the community which they serve.

T10 ineffectively introduced marshals, who have pretty much been non-existent in the game and haven’t done anything effective when they are (also again volunteers). I’ve raced in many lobbies in which the marshals were present and instead of actually doing something to eject rammers, they just leave the lobby and the rammers stay. Now, this could also be a problem with the fact that T10 hasn’t cared about voice chat in lobbies whatsoever. and not everyone can communicate their concerns effectively. (Voice chat has been broken since FM5 - I doubt it will be fixed for FM7).

TrueSkill is largely a joke as well. It just judges win/loss/placement (and someone in the FM7 thread said that CPLs would break TrueSkill… it’s already flawed). Fails to take in context that Player A cuts the track, runs wide and/or taps everyone wide into turns to taken them out of the race or uses them as brakes to get the win. It’s just now leading to huge retaliation that often collects clean players because they happen to be in the vicinity. Make TrueSkill something like the Safety Rating in iRacing and maybe you have a better spread of racing skill because right now there is no incentive to to the larger community to race cleanly online.


This has been this way since day 1 release.Everyone said just wait a few months and it will calm down and they will move on.Never happened.Multiplayer is a wreck fest and will always be a wreckfest unless there is a pay subscription specifically for forza which can not happen do to live being the subscription.IRACING is 100 percent better due to subscription base.Forza 7 will be the same wreckfest its been for years that all the other forza games have been.Only option is creating your own rooms which is pia to do daily when you just want to get in a quick race.

Aren’t they adding a penalty system?..

For corner-cutting, but not for crashing.

What??? Ok, then I guess I’ll spend a lot more time playing GT Sport.


I don’t think there is any need for iracing style pay as you play. There are many ways online could be fixed the easyiest of which is cpls. Not getting into it again as it’s been discussed to death. I do agree that it’s never calmed down as ppl surggested 2 years ago

Come in D class hopper i always find very nice people there!!

Corner cutting causes half the wrecks so it would be a start at least

The other half of the wrecks are caused by people who forgot that cars have brakes

I just got the game to play as it’s free to play right now and even I see the problem.

First corner every race, I get rammed from behind by 5+ drivers on average, then it’s a fight back to the front of the pack.

This could be solved if when you go into public race lobby’s they sorted it and grouped players based on there average collisions per race, this would mean the clean racers are with eachother and the rammers can go hug a wall with eachother.

Since the free weekend of month started, a lot of scrubs picked up the game thinking it’s a need for speed game and wrecking anyone that gets near them. They can’t brake, turn, and drive property and they get offended when they get dusted. The past couple days has been pure chaos because of all the new people. If y’all are going to play the game for free, keep it in single player. The lobbies were bad before but now have become complete garbage with this going on, for the love of god please take the rain tracks out of the lineup for the weekend.