Thank you, Turn 10

It seems like there’s lots of negativity surrounding Forza 7. Yes, it has its issues and it’s important to be vocal about them, but it’s equally important tot show a bit of gratitude for the enjoyment we still get out of the game.
I’ve spent nearly 100 hours on track now, which is probably more than all my other FM games (2, 5 and 6) combined.
This has been the first Ultimate Edition of any game I’ve ever bought and, issues aside, I have still received value for money.
While quantity of cars doesn’t really matter if the quality isn’t there, the career structure and homologation (sp?) system has had me use a bigger variety of cars than ever, really taking me out of my comfort zone and helping me enjoy different racing classes.
The number of tracks and configurations is even better - I haven’t got bored of a single location yet and still have plenty of room for improvement on all of them.
The presentation, in my opinion, is so much better! No more clinical menus, no more announcer who sounds like a BBC news reader, no more ‘cars are exciting because they’re mathematical and precise.’ Now they announcer sounds like a cool guitar teacher, now there’s a sense of fun, now cars are exciting because they’re fast and loud and pretty.
And finally, regarding the issues, Turn 10 has been fantastic in responding to the community. They’ve changed VIP and mod crates for the better, and have added in new multiplayer hoppers by community request.

I definitely have my gripes (no real penalties for turning a race into a destruction derby, no rewards for turning assists off, unfair AI advantage, no qualifying…) My list could go on. But I still set my alarm in the morning a little earlier so I get get a race or two in before work. I still see no end in sight even after 100 hours. So is it all that bad? No. In fact it’s very, very good. Thank you Turn 10. I have confidence you’ll continue to make this game even better.


I’m over 180 hours now and finished the career, got the achievement for all the clothing and am now working on the 500 and 700 car achievements by trying to get a “tick” against every career event. I can see me getting at least 400+ hours out of FM7, Got my copy for £42 so amazing value for money, and still not a single crash \o/

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I like Forza a lot but after 3 games of full HD & 4K now, Forza7 is under Forza 4 in terms of gameplay and community features.