Thank you for fixing

one thing that didn’t need fixing and that is Forza logo appearing on screenshots in photo mode before saving them.
I usually took the picture with the photo mode and captured it with xbox built-in screen capture, this way i could use it as wallpaper, yes i prefer my wallpapers clean and no ugly logo’s.
Now logo appears even before saving the actual image, it wouldn’t be the problem if logo wasn’t always white and too close from the edge of the screen. Problem is photo mode actually eliminates the horrid jaggies that are way too apparent in normal view.
I know that xbone has weak hardware and apparently unable to produce any sort of anti aliasing higher than 2xaa with 24 cars, but i thought one car on the screen would be enough to achieve at least 8xQA in the closed garage.
Rant over.

I very much doubt Forza 6 uses actual AA at all. At best there might be some FXAA type post-processing effect, but this game has the worst jaggies I’ve seen since WipEout on my Sega Saturn in 1997.

Wipeout on a sega saturn lol, i don’t think so

Wasnt it Wip3out??

That was the third game, Wipeout 3 was styled Wip3out. The first one was “WipEout”…the urban legend goes the “E” was a reference to ecstasy and the clubbing scene.