Hi all, first post here so please be kind. Had a look through the first few pages and couldn’t see a similar topic, so here goes.
I’ve noticed when racing that my car will slow for no apparent reason, even with my finger having the accelerator pinned down - I’m currently in Heat 2 of an R2 World Championship race at Hockenheim and not long after the start of the race, before the first corner, my car slows right down to first gear for no reason. I’ve restarted the race 10 times at least and it’s done it every time. I’ve tried driving on both sides of the track and down the middle - it doesn’t matter, it slows me every time.
It’s infuriating and I’m not sure what’s happening. Is it a glitch? Is it the game trying to screw me?
Any wisdom is greatly appreciated.

Have you checked in driving assists to make sure auto braking is turned off??
Yeah, I have it on. I’m a wimp really and only use proper settings for Class C and below - anything over that I have the full baby settings on! I didn’t think it would matter though? It’s breaking when there’s no-one near me, which is the weird thing.
I reckon that if you have auto-break on, or automatic shifting on, this happens sometimes. What the exact reason is, i don’t know…but it will happen sometimes more in the future i guess…
BTW, my first post here too…welcome!
Cheers for the thoughts Ralf - and welcome to you too!
My brother is a hardcore Forza player, much much better than I am, I’m going to ask him if he ever has the same problem when he’s using Expert. I’d guess he doesn’t with what I’ve read above.
Thanks for the help fellas.
Definitely sounds like good old autobrake issues. It is really intrusive and overly cautious, especially on higher class cars which handle and stop a lot better already. I’d take the time to wean yourself off of auto braking and if it helps I can offer you many many R2 cars and tunes!
auto-braking doesnt go for just near by vehicles it also goes for turning.such as the accelrating and braking lines on the ground.autobrake always takes over if you are hammering the gas too much when nearing a turn or already in it.same with driving in a straight line.the system will recognize when there might be a threat to the vehicles traction and automatically slow down.ive personally tested all of this and those were my results.i hope this helped in any way 
All of this^^^^^^^.
OP turn the track line(is that’s what it’s called) to full and you’ll see why and where the car is braking even when no one is around.
The answer is autobrake. Anytime the racing line turns to yellow, you’ll brake. This feature is like training wheels for bikes. You should get rid of that.
This happens to me too…
normally i just let go of the RT and press it again and its’s fine…
only happens with R3+ though