
Are we getting Tag on tracks again? Or just open space?


please add tag on tracks. open area is boring and glitched with out of map people. I and many people hated the change to open world and to not change the formula after two games is just boring.


I agree, make this better than Forza 4. Nothing has topped Forza 4 yet, and that is kind of sad. That a game that has had 3 successors now, cannot be topped, when the potential is unlimited.

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I completely agree. It’s just boring. T10 should actually try play F6 tag and see how enjoyable it is… Because it only becomes enjoyable when 20/24 players are caught and you actually have people chasing you.


Ironically, it’s really fun with devs because everyone is on their best behavior. lol

Solution, make a private lobby. Cat and Mouse is copious amounts of fun too. 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 on Nurburgring is the best. To keep it competitive, you can only crash leading mouse. Setting rules that can’t be implemented in public lobbies is exactly when you should stay out of those too. :slight_smile:

I’d love to see it make a return on all tracks but even if they at least to give us a small selection of short tracks or more open space options as it feels it lacks a bit there. Also the choice of class B A and S too.


I asked that Q in the motorhype Q/A thing they do for every game, not sure if it got in or not, doubt it. It’s sad though that for Forza 4 it was just so much fun and 5 & 6 was pretty much a last minute after thought. Hopefully that changes with the long thread about it in 6, they do listen more now. Gotta hope anyway. I just think with Horizon being all that they pretty much left it to playground to take the “games” side over.

They do listen, but you have to give them a good reason why something should be added, fixed, or taken out of the game. Plenty of my car choices, track choices, and game adjustments, features, and modes have been implemented. You hang around frequent enough and long enough, you can predict things too. I predicted Forza Horizon, saying that a game like that needed to happen. When Indy cars weren’t in the game, the community was crying for them. I told the community that “Indy cars are probably not going to be in the game until they can adjust the suspension system physics to accommodate that type of suspension”. Lo and behold, the next game announcement, Dan Greenawalt, mentions how they are finally able to bring in Indy cars because they wanted to make sure they got the suspension system figured out first before they put them in the game". That was paraphrased of course, but the general idea is there.

Sorry for bragging, I just wanted to address this and say that they will listen, you just have to give them a reason.

My reason is this:

Tag is boring due to open space. Open space is just too… Open.
24 player games take at least 10 minutes with only one or two skilled players in them… That’s kinda ridiculous… and boring. Even when you are the last blue in a 24 player lobby, guarantee 10/23 tagged players will be drag racing while 5 are AFK and the final 8 will be trying to chase you. 8 just simply isn’t enough to make it fun. It’s just kind of boring when compared to F4’s tag where despite only having 16 maximum, the rush from being the last blue and having to make your way through 5 people in front of you while being chased from behind along a narrow track (When compared to Open Space) is so superior in comparison, it’s just much more enjoyable and much more entertaining. Full F4 tag lobbies rarely exceeded 10 minutes with both heats/races combined, whereas F6 always exceeds 10 minutes, without fail…

Considering the player base hasn’t changed much from 4. The only other change that could have lead to this is simply creating and using Open Space. Change it back to tracks and tag will return to being way more enjoyable. Even if you limit the lobbies down to 16 for tag alone like in F4, it will still be a major improvement to the game mode in it’s current state. And considering tag was always very popular, i can’t see why not.

I mean, if i’m honest. Tag is the only reason I play these games. If 7 doesn’t have track tag then there’s not much point for me to move over… I may as well keep my £40+ and just stick to F6
Tag for me and many others, give this game huge replay value, I played F4 tag all the way up until F6’s release, played F6 for a while and then went back to playing F4’s tag until about December.
F4’s track tag has that much replay value for me, without tag on tracks, the replay value plummets and i’ll probably just ignore future releases since the replay value just isn’t there for me personally and thus isn’t a worthwhile purchase in my eyes.

As someone who played Forza 3, 4 and 6’s tag (I missed 5 cause that game as a whole was horrible IMO). I can tell you that track tag is far superior than Open Space, ask anyone who played tag a lot on F3 or F4 and they’ll tell you the exact same thing.


Yes i hope they bring tag back onto tracks.

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I think the only way to work around this is if thry added more open space style areas for tag, that is if they don’t add it to the other tracks.

Open Space is depressing. Anyone in a 5.8+ handling RWD can win easily with little effort… We need tracks back, then it will actually take some skill to win


If they are not going to put more effort into this, they should just drop it. Horizon’s playground games are pretty great, although Horizon 3’s zones for them are a bit rubbish, so there is an easy template, but FM6 saw no improvement over 5 with the airport maps, and the appalling minimap that tells one absolutely nothing. I think a mix would be good, but only some tracks would really make sense for it.

Perhaps if they used tracks with different layouts and opened up the different paths for more options it would be interesting - say Indy with the full oval plus the infield track, or VIR with the east/west changes and patriot. Top Gear would be interesting for it as well if they just stopped the grassy areas from totally killing speed.

Tag has always been huge though, so dropping it is just stupid. All they need to do is put it back on tracks.

Top Gear tag needs the sticky grass in the middle and outside, otherwise it will become far too chaotic it won’t be worth playing. F4 had it done right, and everyone I knew loved Top Gear on tag.

i can only hope that turn10 put tag on track again.


Open space (IMO) is fun, by when it’s the only track available…boring

I disagree some of the best memories from Tag was playing on tracks. (alpine track in FM4 and Top gear test track in particular) where you have wide roads with the ability to evade infected but being limited in the space you have to evade them. It makes for heartpounding evasions at high speed on the tracks where your driver skills are being tested much more as when you are on an open field dodging cars by making a handbrake turn at a random moment before spurting away in any direction.
The best solution would be to make 2 different playlists 1 with Open areas (like you like it) and 1 where it is limited to actual tracks (the way me and my friends have preferred it). When FM5 (and Horizons 1) released we tried the Tag mode and simply went straight back to FM4 because the open fields were BORING we could easily make matches last 45 minutes because we know how to tune cars. In FM4 you were limited where players could go, making for insanely spectacular races with the infected avoiding them even when you were closely matches on a narrow track. It was the best experience i’ve had in any gamemode in any forza and i’d love to see it return.

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Nothing has been announced, and it’s not the kind of thing that gets announced before release as it’s such a small feature in the grand scheme of things.

All you can really do is wait till September.

Not bashing you, but have you seen the tag lobbies? And the community around tag? Its bigger than you think

It’s not exactly something you put on the back of the box alongside 4K, HDR, 700 Cars etc.; that’s the point I was trying to put across.

You’ll hear about Drag and Drifting pre-release before you hear about Tag, and based on how Forza Motorsport 6 went you’ll likely not hear about those at all either.