Summer #Forzathon Shop, Festival Playlist events and Rewards through July 9


Starts July 2 at 7:30am Pacific
Ends July 9 at 7:30am Pacific

This is the first season of Series 24, featuring the new Photo Challenge feature as part of the Festival Playlist and new exclusive reward, the 2019 Zenvo TSR-S^



  • 600 FP Car: 1996 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport (previously available Exclusive model)
  • 450 FP Car: 1958 Plymouth Fury (previously available Exclusive model)
  • Clothing: Golden Brogues
  • Clothing: Gold Waistcoat
  • Wheelspins cost this series: 40 FP & 150 FP


  • 50% Summer Completion: 2011 Koenigsegg Agera
  • 80% Summer Completion: 1970 Porsche 917 LH (previously available Exclusive model)
  • 50% Series Completion: 2013 Cadillac XTS Limousine (previously available Exclusive model)
  • 80% Series Completion: 2018 Lamborghini Huracan Performante (previously available Exclusive model)


#TheHeadlineAct: Take a photo of your car in front of the UK Horizon Festival Stage.

  • Reward: 2019 Zenvo TSR-S (newly released Exclusive model)
  • Tweet your photo with the hashtag for a chance to be featured in the next monthly livestream.


Earn 100 FP from the weekly challenge plus 10 per Daily, plus Bonus for all, double for owning the Lake Lodge

Weekly Challenge:
[Must be done in sequence to count.

  • Own and drive the 1999 Dodge Viper GTS ACR
  • Earn 10 Ultimate Speed Skills with your Dodge Viper '99
  • Win 4 Road Circuit events with your Dodge Viper '99
  • Earn 9 stars in total from Drift Zones

Daily Challenges:
Each challenge is open for 72 hours from 7:30am Pacific of the start day.

  • Earn 2 Awesome Drift or E-Drift Skills
  • Earn 3 Drafting Skills
  • Complete a Road Sprint event
  • Earn 3 Awesome Clean Racing Skills
  • Drive for a total of 10 miles
  • Earn 2 Binman Skills
  • Earn 1 Air Skill


The unique reward listed for seasonal championship events requires you to place 1st against at or above the Highly Skilled Drivatar difficulty setting; the Trial requires Unbeatable difficulty. New this season: Playground Games rewards the car for all participants, win or lose.

The Trial Co-Op Championship: “Senior Citizens” | Road Racing | (C600) 1960s

  • Reward: 1967 Lamborghini Miura P400

Showcase Remix: “Motocross Purposes” | (Ariel Nomad provided)

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

Seasonal Playground Games | Rail Yard | (B700) Classic Muscle

  • Reward: 1970 Buick GSX (previously available Exclusive model)
  • New this season: You don’t have to win the event to earn the reward.

PR Stunt: Outcrop Crest | 623.4 feet

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

PR Stunt: Cotswolds Speed Trap | 215.0 mph

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

PR Stunt: Pennine Way Speed Zone | 185.0 mph

  • Reward: Super Wheelspin

Championship: "Macho Motoring” | Dirt Racing | (S1 900) Modern Muscle

  • Reward: 1970 AMC Rebel “The Machine” (previously available Exclusive model)

Championship: “Summer in the City” | Road Racing | (A800) Country: Italy

  • Reward: 2008 Maserati MC12 Versione Corsa (previously available Exclusive model)

Championship: “Super Size” | Cross Country | (A800) Extreme Offroad

  • Reward: 2015 Honda Ridgeline Baja Trophy Truck

Monthly Events

  • Monthly Rivals: Ambleside Scramble with the #5 Escort
  • Online Adventure
    Completing the monthly events applies their completion percentage to all four seasons in the Festival Playlist.


I can’t be the only one who drove the Zenvo for the first time and thought the spoiler was glitching out.

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Photo Challenge Tip: Use the pause menu to fast travel to Go to Festival, then exit your garage. The festival stage is straight in front of you.

I see that the constant disconnections are back. Joy.

The spoiler of the Zenvo acts very weird around corners and I struggled at first finding the stage. As Manteomax has posted it’s opposite the Horizon Festival Site garage entrance and there’s usually some smoke nearby. The Photo Challenge is worth 3%.

Please can you show me exactly what and how much of it needs to be in shot, as I’ve tried a couple of times and neither one registered as being in the correct location?

Where is this stage I’m supposed to take a picture of

Search Twitter for the hashtag #TheHeadlineAct for examples from the community. The full stage doesn’t need to be in the shot but you may need to have a clear view of it.

Pic from BrokenVegetable

If I have understood well, PGG has changed the requisite to win the prize in Playground games, it is not more needed to win the event but simply to participate (2nd place).
Can Someone confirm please?

Definitely changed to just participation. No reason to quit a game now. I just lost and got the car.

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Thanks for confirmation, Max, I think that this is an important news to highlight in opening page in order to avoid for the players to quit after the first lost.


The rivals event has the wrong description, it refers to Edinburgh Castle and a Ferrari FXX K.

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I noticed that too. I just kind of half glanced at the description before it loaded and caught FXX K, then I’m on dirt in a ford…

Is the Zenvo any good? My first try with a tuned version (by a good tuner) and I went straight into a wall as it didn’t turn. Hopefully, that’s just me needing to get used to it!

Since the rumble trigger function on my Elite 1 Controller broke yesterday I couldn’t test it with the accuracy I would love to because now I get zero feedback while braking or accelerating. Thus, my test runs on my track aren’t as reliable as normally.

AWD build without front-aero: 5:17.871
AWD build with front-aero: 5:15.288

This would rank it in the upper quarter of “Hypercars” but it can’t rival the cornering speeds of the S2 kings.
The car is simply too heavy. Maybe a choice on some tracks for rainy conditions because it has strong aero-grip.

This can be seen by the better time with PI spent for front-aero. Normally cars are slower with it on my track. Without it can’t make the high-grip corners.
Drove my non front-aero build in Unranked against players from “RIZE” and Nalak28 who ran the aero-variant. I got them on the acceleration but couldn’t negate the disadvantages through the turns.
In comparison to the Zenvo ST1 it’s a big improvement though.

Hopefully not my tune? I was going to ask you to be my Stig and try my tune of it for Edinburgh West End. It slaughters your CCX ghost up the 25 secs or so point, but after that I can’t match you through the slower part. I’m rather rusty at playing, so I wasn’t sure if it was the car or my driving.

As for build, I tried 3 different builds:

  1. High power, no front aero, and 1 level wider front tyres
  2. Lower power, front aero
  3. Lower power, no front aero, full width front tyres

I couldn’t tell all that much difference between them, except that obviously #1 gained more at the start. I shared #3 in the end. I was able to get within a couple of secs or so of your CCX ghost, but I think the car can do better than that.

For the launch, the rpm peaks twice when you shouldn’t shift. Wait for it to go into the red zone for the 3rd time, then shift.

For the first set of right hand bends, go to the right of the driving line where it is red, and you can go flat out all the way with that line.

So here we go into another series, hope everything goes well with this one. My start did exactly go as planned, when I brought road tuned Alfa TZ2 to cross country FFA …
Trial went much better tho. I was looking trough my 60’s cars and started thinking about Mustangs, but then saw already prepared Lancia. Altho its a rally tune, I won all 3 events and team got 3:0.
Lancia might loose to power build car, with good driver, but as it was, it didn’t :slight_smile: Its again grip build, with vintage tires, so you can take plenty of corners flat out.
C 600 Lancia Fulvia 1.6 HF, tune - 150 713 653

Moving to offroad modern muscle championship, where again I was presented with choice of going Dodge or Chevrolet. I just took my fav …
S1 900 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, tune - 404 333 702

Swiftly moving on to road Italian car championship, again easy choice
A 800 Alfa Romeo 4C, tune - 151 081 871

To the last cross country championship, with extreme offroad … cars/trucks/whatever :), again no brainer here for me, where Bowler or Trailcat would probably work much better, but :slight_smile:
A 800 Ford F-150 Prerunner DD, tune - 171 071 708

Forzathon car for this week is Dodge Viper GTS ACR and since challenge is to score ultimate speed, well just slap everything on and go for it. Getting easy wins on road circuit, where one option is to reuse my custom Astmoor Heritage circuit from a while back, where you can just cut back to finish line after first checkpoint (share code - 731 149 405), or just drive normal one, its a nice circuit. Finishing touch was to do some drifting at Festival loop.

Again it was Agera RS’s honor to do danger sign and speed trap, had to use Lego Senna for speed zone, for some proper grip.

Finally it was time to unlock this weeks new car. This pic did it:

So this is what worked for me and hope it can be of any use to somebody else too.
Take care everyone, have fun and bb.

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I had fun with the Trial in a Triumph Spitfire. Stock tyres awd and turbo. I’m no great tuner but this thing flies. 2nd (holding traffic back for team mate) and 2 firsts in a 3 0.

Handling on my tune could do with some improvement, possibly trade power for tyres (Brit!) but I reckon the car definitely has potential in this class. I would be interested in others thoughts on the Spitfire. Thanks!

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