Struggling with the Four Story Mission Sections

I have completed the Stunt Driver section albeit with less than 30 Stars. I have no idea what I need to do (or for that matter if I can actually do) what is required for the extra Stars.

LARacer I have more or less abandoned due to not having the ability (I presume) to achieve 3 stars on the Chapters.

Don’t even start me on the Business Chapterss. I gave up on being unable to finish the Ferrari FXX one.

Drifting wasn’t quite so bad so far, though I failed to do well at one of the early ones. I have only done three or four Chapters so far.

I get the impression some of these Chapters are aimed at above average racers.

If you got to chapter select it tells you the requirements for each star threshold

I have 3 stars on everything so far except the following:

  • Worlds Fastest Rentals:
    Hennessy Venom, struggling to hit 250mph, fastest I’ve gone is 249.
    McLaren Senna, two stars, I think get there in under 3 minutes is 3 stars. I think I’m 20 seconds off that still.

Any hints or tips? I’m thinking to do both in the summer season. I race only with ABS and braking line on. Everything else is off.

I’d say I’m an average racer and managed to 3 star Drift Club & Movie Double fairly easily. 3 Stars on Worlds Fastest is a challenge. 3 stars on Drift Club was by far the easiest.

LaRacer I haven’t started yet but will tonight.

@ OP if you do Chapter Select, it shows you the thresholds for each star rating.

For the Fastest Rentals, generally if the route takes you straight through either of the motorway roundabouts you need to take the shortcut across the central island.

I’ve 3-starred all Story missions and the Rentals, did most of them in winter but there are a few you need clean spring/summer/autumn roads for (like the Vulcan)

I played the story/business missions once just to finish them.

I finished most stories at 24/30, or 27/30.

Then I started grinding. For stunt driver, you can ignore all roads and check points. In the one where you have to jump and go through a tunnel, you can literally just stick to the left side of the road, not jump at all, ignore everything, and you’ll finish with 3 stars.

For another one I just darted through the field to the finish line and finished with 3 stars.

Just yesterday I managed to get 30/30 for drift. I think the drift story is the most “honest”, because there you just have to spam left/right drifts. The “cheat” part is that I will usually go back and forth once on the straight like before the 1st corner, just as you start the level. I can get 50-60k on that, from doing it 1-2 times (sometimes there is no time to do that, so doesn’t work on every chapter). But it was definitely hard. (took me 3-4 tries for the chapters I didn’t get 3 stars the 1st time around. it’s just the need to learn the track, and notice where you can “cheat”)

For LaRacer I haven’t gotten it to 30/30 yet. Same with World’s Fastest. I have both at 28/30. There are some chapters that I just couldn’t figure out how to 3 star, there is a way, definitely, but I didn’t have patience to find how. I will probably do that at some point when I’m bored.

After doing the first chapter on at each of the places, i just used the chapter select so i could see the requirement before starting the event.

The two i had to have a few attempts before getting the 3 stars were, the Rentals Veyron chapter & the Nomad LaRacer chapter.

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I’ve 30/30 on Drift and Stunt Driver and I’m 26 or 27/30 on the other 2. I’ve just kept doing them over and over and getting a little quicker each time. I also got 249mph on the Venom GT (annoyed much?), so will have to keep at it. If you mess up, use rewind, that’s what it’s there for.

Also, as there’s no penalty (except credits) for using the assists, put as many on as you like, they’ll help you as well. I’m no expert myself, so I’ve had to retry quite a lot of them before I hit the 3 star target, but they are definitely do-able. I just wish you could skip the damned cut scenes once you’ve completed them once!!!

Even on chapters where “you need to stay on the road,” they give you 10 seconds to return to the road. You can find shortcuts through areas that take less than the 10 seconds they give you that will save you time along the way.


This is crucial. If you just stick to the roads you’ll find yourself missing 3 stars by by a large amount of time. Drifting is just a matter of figuring out how fast you need to finish vs. how many points you need to rack up. The rental challenges I found came down to losing time smoking the tires as soon as it starts. Try to get a smooth launch and cut corners and you’ll crush the time. Laracer challenges I’m still trying to figure out. There’s 2 or 3 that I can’t 3 star. Definitely the hardest of the 4.

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I have all the challenges completed with 3 star rating. If the progress counts for the convoy I could try to help you guys. Just send the message via XBOX app or something like that. This would be some more coop experience for me. Cheers!

I just bumped World’s Fastest and LaRacer to 30/30 just now during the lunch break.

What helped:

  • turning on Stability Control for some LaRacer races (the Ferrari Testarossa - No.10, and for the Lamborghini Countach speed trap)
  • searching on youtube for videos on how to get 3 stars. nothing too complex, i just skimmed through the videos just to see if they took any shortcuts, and what routes they took. (for example for the LaRacer Ferrari skill score one, I saw that the guy just drove out of edinburgh and just did drifts and near misses. did the same thing, it was very easy)

Even with youtube videos, some of the chapters I still retried 1-2 times, just because I had to get a feel for the track.

For most parts (time challenges) it’s about cutting and using rewinds, especially LaRacer missions where you can barely scratch the three stars by racing fair - just check the leaderboard of your club and see the silly gaps between a clean run and top positions.

Even in the “stay on road or gravel” missions, you got a 10 second timer to hit the road again, this works with other roads but the highlighted one too!

For drifting, settings are important: traction & stability should be off. I suggest to switch to manual shifting too. Even if you don’t like to shift: just shift up to the highest gear that produces excessive torgue for drift and stick for it for the run, usually 2nd or 3rd gear do the trick. Automatic is much harder, as you won’t get past 1st gear most of the time (=lower skill multiplier). Be cautious with the throttle.

For speed challenges be sure to have traction on, else you might lose too much speed and grip when going full throttle. For some curves, instead of breaking, going off the throttle should suffice. With some of the speed challenges, cutting can be the better option (crossing full speed over a roundabout) it might take a few rewinds for a satisfying stunt though.

I did all the drift challenges with auto and traction control ON!!! The only one I had trouble with (had to do more than twice) was the one where you had to get 500k as I kept running out of time. Took me 4 or 5 attempts I think, but found it a lot easier than the car spinning out of control every few minutes due to being ever-so-slightly heavy on the throttle. That Sylvia was a beast lol

I wish you luck! I got 30/30 stars on every story without even looking at YouTube or anything. Just takes a little practice on some. And shortcuts when you can on the ones where you have to stay on the road. The key to a majority of them, YOU DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE PATH. Lol you just have to get to the end before the time runs out. Which can make some super easy :wink:

I got 27/30 for the world’s fastest in the snow. It was harder but not too bad. Rewinding helps a lot to get some of the corners down and speeds up.

I 30/30’d the rest of the stories the past few days. It does seem like a handful are harder than the rest but once the challenge is figured out, it’s not too bad. Only the LaRacer one in the lancia where you have to cut through the forest and 500k challenge for one of the drifts required more than 2 tries. The LaRacer Ferrari skill event is hard if you try to do it in the city. I did manage 100k by staying in city and drifting around some of the traffic circles and then heading out of the city.

Yeah, I’ve only got 30/30 on the Stuntman story. I might be able to do so on the Drift Club as I currently have 25/30, but the unskippable cutscenes keep me from going back. I probably won’t be able to max LARacer (I could improve a couple outside of winter), but the worst one for me was the rentals. There’s one that has you hit the speed trap on the highway, and even cutting across the roundabout beforehand I was like 25 mph under the 3 star speed - I think I barely hit the 1 star. I’ve considered trying to find a route to come up the highway the other direction, but the inconvenient cutscenes/dialogue keep putting me off. It’s also irritating that you don’t get Influence for those events unless you increase your star rating, meaning the whole effort can end up being an utter waste of time.

Maybe some helpful hints. Do only the stories during summer and you will get those 3 stars!!! I did all mine during summer week no problem! To deal with the cut scenes just make sure you always retry after it shows the stars until you get it. Makes things way easier. Also for drift club do Co-Op!!! You get the minimum score, buddy gets the 3 star score, both make it to the finish on time and you get the 3 stars!!! Find a buddy who is really good at drifting rear wheel!!!

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The unskippable cutscenes, in their own sneakily annoying and unintended way, add some longevity to the story content. I stay in one chapter until I three-star it, and it can get so tricky that I usually don’t feel like doing more than one or two per game session. So I’ve yet to even see most of LaRacer or Drift Club. What I have done, everything has been very much possible in seasons other than summer, but I guess the required skills can take some time to develop if you’re new - especially drifting, but also “knowing where to cut”… Which admittedly is also a lesson in patience, since some full-speed offroad jumps in road hypercars can take dozens of rewinds to land the way you want them to.

Hi i have just started playing forza horizon 4 stunt driver i compeleted the frist mission n it wont continue on it just stays there with the car my 3 stars n the guy! What do i do?

They certainly seem to be intended to require more than one attempt for some of them, even for quite good drivers. There were some of them I enjoyed repeating long after getting 3 stars, to try to get as high up on the leaderboard as possible. One of the ones where you can only leave the road for up to 10 seconds springs to mind as particularly good design. It seemed so tantalisingly close to being possible to totally straight line it so that you took just under 10 seconds either side of a road in the middle, but I just couldn’t do it. If I took less than 10 secs on the near side, it took more than 10 secs on the far side. If I kept pushing the point of crossing the road to try to get the far side section down below 10 secs, the near side section went above 10 secs. But I was a few secs off the #1 time so obviously didn’t quite develop the perfect route. I’d say most of them shouldn’t be that hard to get 3 stars on if someone is willing to put the same effort into doing that as I did into getting as close as I could to the #1 time.