Storm Island and FH2

Can Forza Horizon 2 Storm Island be played with the regular FH2 game or do they have to be opened separately? I don’t mean installed separately, I mean like car DLCs or other DLCs where it’s openable in game without opening a separate app.

No, the Forza Horizon Fast and Furious game is a separate game in its own right. You can own the Fast and Furious version without FH2 and still play it.


Wrong game sorry

Storm Island is played in-game, like the expansions for Horizon 1, 3, 4, and 5. (Rally, Blizzard Island and Hot Wheels, Fortune Island and Lego Valley, Hot Wheels and Rally, respectively.)

There’s a location you go to in Nice to catch the ferry over to Storm Island.

It’s actually a pretty small expansion. Still fun to play if you manage to get access via a code or game share.