For next Forza Motorsport:
It would be nice to have equity between wheel users and controller users. Do away with the dampening “magic” for controller users that gave them drastically broader room for error than a wheel user on hardcore settings. I would see cars getting sideways on straights with no repercussions. While we wheel users had to fight to stay facing forward and between the lines with some steering.
At least, make the hardcore mode drivable and not have us constantly fearing a death spin from random throttle lift oversteer or something. I guess, build the game with wheel users in mind. Although maybe not the majority, you have a lot of them.
Re controller magic; one of the best things about FM/FH is number of users playing, no doubt due to controller support and ease of use. I’d suggest retaining the controller ‘magic’ but it could be tweaked a bit, as I agree it seems too easy for people to power-slide around the track and win, which seems a little unrealistic.
Re wheel-users difficulty; car setup/tune plays a massive part in stability, as does FFB setup. In FM7 I have no issue with unexpected slides, by regularly setting up cars to account for my poorly tuned (aka erratic) right foot. So I guess what I’m saying is don’t make it too easy, or tuning becomes pointless, and the challenge to drive smoothly won’t be there either. FM7 is actually pretty well balanced on-wheel in my opinion.
Thanks. Good points. However, on hardcore, some cars were undrivable out of the box. Production cars don’t need to be tuned to drive at highway speeds. For example, the BMW M5 stock. On normal steering, things are a lot more tame. Yet, on sim steering, you are pressed to get 1 lap in without spinning. And I understand about being soft on the throttle and not even speaking of trail braking here. Other games have made controllers viable as wheels without giving controller users an advantage.
Yep some cars are undrivable stock, I fully agree here. I think the problem was more with the default tunes on a lot of cars; some were perfect and some absolutely horrible. Another example would be the early model MX5’s which are arguably a very capable car IRL, but horrific to drive in FM7 without custom tuned roll bars and diff. So this is a separate problem where base-tunes could have a bit more time spent on them by the devs.
Going back to the main suggestion of levelling the controller-vs-wheel playing field, I’m supportive of making crazy sliding/drifting a bit harder on controller as a method (leave that to Horizon), but I’m cautious of promoting ‘make FFB simulation steering driveable’ as the fix, as I’d hate to see ‘simulation’ filtered to something closer to ‘normal’ to achieve that controller-vs-wheel parity.