I feel like I am alone in the Forza Motorsport universe, you see I love realism. I set out to race on Forza Motorsport in the most realistic way possible!

I own a Thrustmaster TX, T3PA Pedals and a TH8A Shifter. The wheel is set to 900degrees unless I use a race car or any car that has a different lock, example: V8 Supercars.

In-game I run no assists, manual w/clutch, simulation steering and damage, no hud, no suggested line, no nothing.

There is a huge argument over simulation and normal steering which I don’t care for, I’m here to find people that race like I race which is probably minimal. Simulation steering is a must as people who run normal steering have a slight advantage.

My goal is to find people who have this wheel setup and race this way, develop a group and get some hardcore leaderboards going!

Are you out there?

Thumbs up for doing what your doing, I respect that but I am not your person.

Not a problem “uber” and thankyou for respecting my way of playing, the same way I respect someone who plays another way.

“RPM” that sounds great and I’ll look into it. I’d also like to know if the people who are on those leaderboards running no assists are using ‘normal’ or ‘simulation’ steering and damage!? This play a big part in level of difficulty and advantages/disadvantages.

“Ryan” I’m happy to race against you, would be great to finally play with someone who uses the same equipment. Would you use ‘normal’ or ‘simulation’ steering??

Thanks for the posts guys :slight_smile:

If you find some people, set up a team on Forzastats and you all can track your no assist progress assuming everyone is running top 500s on the standard leaderboards. Might help with the tracking.

Odds are there probably aren’t many since the wheels are expensive and I wouldn’t be surprised if some no longer play the game that do run this setup. If I had a wheel, I’d join in.

Sup yo, my tx will be here tomorrow pedals and shifter no idea got some pedals from tiger discount but never heard anything back from them been two days. I would love to race with a group like this. I also use no assists/drive line/manual with clutch. Add to your friends list if you would like.

Some probably are but I doubt most are using full damage because a lot of those laps are set in hotlap mode and it’s counterproductive to run damage. Full damage would just cause a lot of restarts which gets annoying quick.

Dunno about a wheel, but a lot of controller users use normal steering. There’s nothing simulation about simulation steering.

The laps would be the same no matter what you choose. Tires get worn or hit something, restart if your using damage. Car a little loose with simulation steering, take a few minutes to tighten it up a tad.

Now TCS on the other hand is a different story. That’s really the only assist that can provide a major competitive advantage if you can keep the TCS light from flashing.

I understand people not running damage but that’s what I do, and like I said - I’m going for the most realism regardless of it being a game. If I play on controller then I’d play it like a game.

In terms of normal steering, it states that it dampens physical effects, I believe it does and is more forgiving, it is much easier to recover when loosing control etc - especially on a 900 degree wheel.

If it takes you forever to get a decent lap, then yea running full damage would be interesting and a challenge. Else, its not terribly realistic because once the tires finally start to wear you can simply restart. lol.

Normal steering in this game feels like sim in the prior game. Sim in this game doesn’t feel all that different from normal outside being able to get a tad bit more turn in and completely random spin outs. Not sure how it feels on a wheel but on a controller it just doesn’t seem like its simulating anything and feels completely unrealistic.

I have a wheel and have raced with sim steering since Forza 3 because I read that normal steering is for controllers and sim for wheels. I’ll switch to normal with my wheel and see if there is a difference.

NOTE: @ForzaFederation, this is not meant to be directed at you personally - I wrote this up a couple years back - can’t remember if I ever posted it anywhere or not…

I want to race with “like-minded” players!

When it comes to discussions about assists and view mode settings in User-Created races (formerly referred to as Custom Public Lobbies or “CPLs”), we frequently hear:

“I disable all assists, force cockpit view, and turn on damage – because I want to race with ‘like-minded’ players.”

Well, let’s look at a player who goes by the name “Bob”:

He is, for lack of a better way to put it, a “grown-up.” Always uses a mic (and doesn’t have kids screaming or music blaring in the background). He has real-world track experience, which he’s happy to talk about, and he likes to chat between races, occasionally getting a laugh from some of his jokes.

While he’s not at the very top of the leaderboards, he’s reasonably quick and races very cleanly, always aware of traffic around him, waiting for opportunities to pass cleanly instead of making those risky attempts which often result in contact and off-track excursions. Bob uses a variety of cars that he just likes to drive - doesn’t matter if it’s not the best car with the best build/tuning setup for the particular track - because his idea of a good race is not “getting the win,” it’s having good competition, whether that means finishing 1st, last or somewhere in between.

On the occasions when he ends up with a big lead, he slows down on the last lap and waits, so more players can finish before the end-of-race timeout. He has even been known to drop back when he’s running out front, because it’s more fun to be “in the thick of things.”

In short, “Bob” is EXACTLY the kind of guy everyone wants in their races.


Bob prefers to use Bumper View, because he’s been playing since the original FM1 - before there was a cockpit view - and bumper view was the only view with a mirror. He uses a game-pad instead of a wheel setup (cost, space limits, wife, etc) and, due to an injury a while back, he has limited dexterity in the fingers of his left hand… so he uses ABS.

That means “Joe” - who sets up his CPL with all assists disabled and forced cockpit view - will never meet Bob. Apparently, Joe is more interested in the SETTINGS a player uses, rather than in the ATTITUDE a player brings to the game.

Personally, I too prefer to race with “like-minded” players… although, my definition of “like-minded” is a guy like Bob. Players who want to have good, clean, competitive and FUN races. I don’t care what assists anyone uses. In fact, if a player normally uses ABS and TCS, I’d prefer that he keep those enabled. He’s far less likely to inadvertantly cause a collision if he’s playing in the way in which he is accustomed.

Of course, Joe is free to set up his CPL however he wishes. I’d advise him to broaden his definition of “like-minded” players, though. He just might end up meeting some good players, and maybe even make some new friends.

  • Don Ente

Well said Don. I am your rendition of Bob, with a wheel and cockpit view. I like a good race and to be in the thick of things. We all race to win, I am fine not winning if I race clean and respectfully. I have been told that it is very difficult for wheel users to compete with controller users because of the assistance given to them in normal steering. I don’t know if that is true or not. I do know that it is a rare treat to land in a lobby of “like minded” racers as you described. I think it would be fun to be in a lobby of “like minded” wheel users with full damage on for 20+ laps.

I run a similar setup, with fanatex xsr elite pedals, feel free to add me to your fl

Agreed Don Ente, and I certainly would love to play with Bob, I do play on the controller and accommodate for other people, sometimes I just want the favour in return. And when I play on a wheel, well I just love to go for all out realism.

It is very intense on the wheel, I mean you have 900 degrees of play but it all comes down to the driver. On the controller I race simulation and drift on normal steering. Actually I drift on Normal steering with the wheel but for some reason I love racing with simulation steering and it feels fairly realistic.

Yes and I have had races before with these like minded people, all with wheels. But they aren’t around anymore so I have no-one to race with this kind of realism. It certainly is a challenge to race someone using a controller and normal steering when you’re on a wheel with simulation steering!

Let me know how you go =)

Added :wink:

Unfortunately I can not afford a new wheel. Fanatec just released some news that they have a new wheel base that will be compatible with the Xbone. But that still cost more than my previous rig and you still have to buy a wheel for the base. So until I can get a proper wheel for the Xbone I will run with the manual with autoclutch for shifting and all other assists off. I run normal steering because the simulation steering is for a wheel. When I get one I will run no assists, simulation and full manual trans with manual clutch and all other assists off. That is I believe the only way to go. But the assist do make the game more accessible for other players like my son for example. If you want to run no assists great if not great.

I regretfully have packed up my equipment and no longer use my wheel. However, I will set it up again and be racing the same way I always race - as close to real as possible. Nice chatting with all you folk and enjoy the game how ever you see fit :wink:

Not wanting to confuse the issue but any car fitted with race/sequential trans or indeed most of the exotics don’t have a clutch.

I’ve used both wheel and controller (not used a wheel on 5 though) and I could hot lap a little quicker with a wheel and pedal setup. I’m not convinced that either setup offers a noticeable advantage. The controller compensates a little for the lack of physical input but on the other hand pedals give a great deal more feel on throttle and brakes.

I’m in the “Bob” camp - a good lobby is a good lobby :slight_smile:

skipped over the waste…


forced cockpit view, hud off, forced no assists.