Steering angle changing randomly?

I don’t think I’m crazy but who does?

I’m pretty sure my cars randomly lose steering angle especially on lower speed tight turns causing me to understeer or go much slower for longer to make the turn…

Anyone else notice this change in behavior from your cars? I’ve noticed it happen mid race or even after a few laps of practice and or going from practice to qualifying.

Sometimes it fixes itself during the race event other times you’re stuck until you go into a new lobby.


I don’t find it random, exactly, just inconsistent and perplexing. That first hairpin at Nurburgring GP proves to be an inexhaustible source of headache for me for the inconsistent steering angle. On my Fairlady Z, I notice that once I brake to a certain speed threshold, the steering angle changes dramatically. 1 mph over, and I’m understeering. It’s as if there’s a hard capped limit based upon different brackets of speeds, instead of a (seemingly more logical) progressive change of steering angle. I’m a controller user at the moment (sold my sim setup a couple years back, just recently got back into racing), so there might be some controller “accessibility” tomfoolery happening under the hood. I don’t like it, regardless.


Set your OUTSIDE steering DEADZONE to 80.

The max steering angle for cars is 75 degrees. This brings it closer to 1:1 when using a controller. You don’t want it at 75, because it’s a range (some cars are slightly more).

The default 100 deadzone means when you move the steering thumbstick all the way left/right, the game is only registering 75 degrees of that movement. Thus, it will feel very unresponsive and understeery most of the time.

I’d also set the Wheel Lock to 80, as well. It says its for wheels (obviously), but it can’t hurt to set it for every car when you’re tuning. Probably unnecessary, but with how this game is coded, you never know?

Then there is tuning.

This is going to be the biggest thing that helps with under/oversteer, but the other big thing I’ve noticed is FM physics seem to transmit a lot more torque to the wheels than previous games. This is why the cars feel so “good” aka grippy, weighty, etc… Compared to FM7, where it felt like the car was skating on ice (very light, little to no grip) and like you were driving a boat.

So, manage your throttle going into and out of curves a lot more than previous games.

It may take some getting used to, but once you consciously adjust your throttle control, you may find a lot of these problems go away on their own regardless, of controller adjustments or even tuning.

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I am definitely aware of the speed threshold chaning the amount of angle for sure. But even beyond that it seems that the speed it changes the angle at is inconsistent.

I am also a controller user.

My deadzones are all set at 100. Ill definitely try that change.

I’m on a Series X with controller the setting to change wheel lock and forced feedback scale are locked under tuning for me.

I don’t think my driving style and consistency are the problem. Some of these cars i have over 500 laps on one track and have tuned them extensively and notice the problem coming and going.

It almost never seems to happen to me during test drive/tuning just rivals and multiplayer.

I can run 100 laps of rivals and the car acts fine then out of nowhere all the sudden i can’t take certain corners the same way or anywhere close to what i was doing the previous 100 laps.

are you talking about on a controller?
the game mediates your steering angle on all control settings - so the faster you are going the less it will let you turn the wheels at full lock on the thumbstick -

thats why everybody raves about forza’s controller handling - because it makes you feel like a really good driver when in reality it’s not allowing you to input the wrong steering inputs ever.

*edit it’s possible that there’s a bug with this system that you see intermittently?


It definitely feels like that same system of not allowing the wheels to turn as you go faster.

But it feels like a flaw or bug in that system making it inconsistent.

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Sounds about right for this game in its current state - you can’t trust whether anything is intended behaviour or lack of quality control.


True that unfortunately. When it happens mid race it feels like I’ve been nerfed lol.

Leading the whole race and a couple of laps before the end all of the sudden i can’t turn :rofl: and it’s not tire wear before anyone brings that up.

Are you using normal steering mode? If so then for sure the game is preventing you from turning faster. You can even play with a keyboard with normal steering mode since the computer will stop you from turning too much and losing control of the car.

Try simulation steering mode and see how it feels.

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I have similar problem on some AWD cars. I use 100 deadzone setting but it’s not about deadzones, for me at least. I have checked telemetry and wheels go full lock when stationary and the problem exists also when using D-pad.

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This is the normal. The game is set up for you to get less sterring angle the faster you go. One of the problems is its not the same amount angle at the same speeds consistently.

The problem is not speed related. Sometimes just doing donuts is enough for car to decide turn wheels almost straight.

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Setting steering self alignment to zero and using sim steering lessens the effect to some degree but there is always some steering angle filter going on.

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So we’re all in agreement that Forza is fornicating with us?

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that makes no sense, few things here
-forzas steering animations (steering wheel and front wheels) do not match the physics so never use them as reference of max input
-there will likely be some mechanical deadzone in thumbsticks so adding more deadzone in the game settings will only reduce your usable input range further, making finer input adjustments more difficult and also reduces your input resolution. deadzones should only be used if there is ghost input (usually around input start point ie inside DZ) or not quite achieving full input (usually around the end/max input ie outside DZ)
-thumbstick input will never be 1:1 or you wouldnt be able to drive very well
-same principles apply for steering wheels with the main difference being wheel input is direct to physics


If you tap the brakes when this is happening, you’ll get the extra lock.

It’s a weird system … identical to Forza7

Yes it feels quite similar but in my experience FM 2023 feels even more eager to straighten the wheels whenever it wants to. I understand it removes steering angle when grip is low but in my opinion the game is too sensitive to this. Even the slightest amount of understeer and front wheels go almost straight. It wouldn’t be really an issue if steering would instantly allow more turning angle when grip starts to return but there is a noticeable delay on this, sometimes to the point where understeer equals going off track.


If there aren’t enough steering angle, what about drift suspension ? It allow to tune the steering angle from 40 to 60° (default is 60), so maybe by decreasing it, this suspension Can be less driftey and more racey ?

Slowing down or tapping the brakes doesn’t really seem to work for me. If its understeering due to the the angle it seems committed to being that way causing me to come to a crawl pace around a corner.

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