Startup problem

Finally after 3 downloads, I finally managed to download without errors. As I start the game for the first time, it shows a picture with a Porsche and then no more happens. Have tried reinstalling the Nvidia drivers again.
Why are you so miserable to make things work. You should have learned by now.
Someone please help.

I have the same issue and have been unsuccessful in getting my game to launch.

I have a support post open with no views or replies…

Maybe your firewall blocks it? Try to disable firewall and antivirus for a moment, just to check if this is it.

Tryes to completely remove antivirus.
All my other 60 games work but this piece of s*** doesn´t work.
This is of course the only game I had my hopes up for ages.
Damn it.

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Check if your Xbox-services are enabled.
right click start - “RUN” - type “services.msc” … scroll down the list and all the Xbox-Services should be either on “manual” or “automatic” , it should not be on “disabled”.

If that doesn’t work, you can try a reinstall of all the Xbox-apps through Windows Powershell (powershell is located somewhere in your start menu)
copy and paste this line in powershell to reinstall xbox-stuff.

I’m having the same problems as well, every other game I have on my pc works great. Xbox, steam, origin and Ubisoft.

I have the same issue!
Microsoft… please!!

I still have the same issue and have not been able to launch my 100 dollar game a single time. Ive read previous topics posted for help in the tech forums to no avail. Ive yet to hear from a developer or see any mention of being unable to launch under the known bugs.

Take a look at my post here and see if this works. it involves resetting security permissions for certain folders.