⚠️ Star Card Ranked Drift | Adventure Games Announcement

For everyone who still wants to get star cards :star2: for drift and games and then unlock the rarest car in the game :red_car: FORD Capri FE:

The only difficulty here is to find people for these events, but we’ve collected all those who haven’t passed these events yet and those, who want to help in this, in one place.

The event takes place every Saturday and Sunday
Ranked drift at 16:00 UTC(+0) :clock4:, adventure games immediately after the end of drift session. You can start searching in that exact time or better join us on our discord server to have more info and updates.

Discord link with all participants and the latest information/ updates:


We’ll start in 40 minutes! Be ready! :checkered_flag:

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start in 3 hours!

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I got online a little bit late, can I still join?

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sure, all the info at the top


I am interested. I am only left with those online ranked drift adventure and ranked team games to complete Starcard. My gamertag is Isaac 8308. Please add me. I need that Ford Capri FE badly.

Your gamertag? Please add me, I need that Ford Capri FE so bad. My gamertag is Isaac 8308.

there’s a discord link at the top

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:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: ranked drift starts in 2 hours 50 minutes from now! After drift we’ll play adventure games. Welcome!

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:exclamation: we’re playing ranked drift today at 16:00UTC(+0) Time Zone

:exclamation:Ranked Drift Starts in 2 and a half hours from now. Be ready!

Hi there! We’re still playing those rankeds for those who didn’t finished getting the star cards. You’re welcome, read the main part for more info! Cheers!

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We’re still playing those rankeds for those who didn’t finished getting the star cards. You’re welcome, read the main part for more info! Cheers!

The event takes place every Saturday and Sunday
Ranked drift at 16:00 UTC(+0), adventure games immediately after the end of drift session. In the very end We play ranked team races as much as we want. Check out our discord link at the top. We have more than 200 players there!

Aahhh - 16:00 UTC is 4:00am for me :frowning:

You do it once and forget, or find someone in your Time Zone, or skip it. We have players from Australia to Canada here, they find time to play with us though. You decide only.

we’re playing today! see the info above! :point_up_2:t2:

we will play as always on this weekend. check the main info at the very beginning! :point_up_2: